Cheerleading squad on probation after Trump banner displayed -

September 16, 2019 at 10:34PM

— A high school cheerleading squad in North Carolina is on probation after some cheerleaders posed with a banner supporting President Donald Trump before a football game.

Stanly County Schools Superintendent Jeff James told The Associated Press in an email Monday that the warning was levied by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.

It happened before the Aug. 30 game at North Stanly High School, northeast of Charlotte. News outlets reported that the banner read: "Trump 2020: Make America Great Again."

The superintendent said the probation simply means "don't do it again." He says all North Carolina schools have a policy against displaying political signs.

The district said the banner's display wasn't planned or endorsed by the school or staff.


The headline to this story has been corrected. The cheerleading squad is on probation, not suspended.


— A high school cheerleading squad in North Carolina is on probation after some cheerleaders posed with a banner supporting President Donald Trump before a football game.

Stanly County Schools Superintendent Jeff James told The Associated Press in an email Monday that the warning was levied by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.

It happened before the Aug. 30 game at North Stanly High School, northeast of Charlotte. News outlets reported that the banner read: "Trump 2020: Make America Great Again."

The superintendent said the probation simply means "don't do it again." He says all North Carolina schools have a policy against displaying political signs.

The district said the banner's display wasn't planned or endorsed by the school or staff.


The headline to this story has been corrected. The cheerleading squad is on probation, not suspended.



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