Dolphins cheerleader threw a lit candle and plates in a domestic violence incident, cops say - Miami Herald

April 05, 2019 at 04:54AM

Whitney Robertson
Whitney Robertson Miami-Dade Corrections

A Miami Dolphins cheerleader spent Wednesday night in jail after her arrest on a burglary with assault or battery charge.

Whitney Robertson's weapon of choice, according to an arrest report: a lit candle and plates.

Robertson, who lives in Bay Harbor Islands, gave herself up Wednesday at Miami police headquarters and posted $5,000 bond Thursday.

The report lists the target of Robertson's attack as the other half of a three-week relationship that ended a week before this March 26 incident.

According to the arrest report, the man, a Miami resident, was having dinner at his home with a woman when Robertson walked through the back door of his house. The couple stood up in surprise.

"(Robertson) then picked up a lit candle that was on the top of the dinner table and threw it towards both victims, striking (the man) on his right hand, causing a visible bruise," the report said. "Both victims then ran into the living room in fear of (Robertson). (Robertson) then proceeded to pick up the porcelain plates from the dinner table and throw them at the victims."

The woman ran into a bedroom. The man grabbed Robertson by an arm, hustled her out and locked the back door.

Robertson, a University of North Texas graduate from Garland, Texas, has been a Dolphins cheerleader for two seasons. Her career is listed on the Dolphins website as "product stylist."

Since 1989, David J. Neal's domain at the Miami Herald has expanded to include writing about Panthers (NHL and FIU), Dolphins, old school animation, food safety, fraud, naughty lawyers, bad doctors and all manner of breaking news. He drinks coladas whole. He does not work Indianapolis 500 Race Day.

Whitney Robertson
Whitney Robertson Miami-Dade Corrections

A Miami Dolphins cheerleader spent Wednesday night in jail after her arrest on a burglary with assault or battery charge.

Whitney Robertson's weapon of choice, according to an arrest report: a lit candle and plates.

Robertson, who lives in Bay Harbor Islands, gave herself up Wednesday at Miami police headquarters and posted $5,000 bond Thursday.

The report lists the target of Robertson's attack as the other half of a three-week relationship that ended a week before this March 26 incident.

According to the arrest report, the man, a Miami resident, was having dinner at his home with a woman when Robertson walked through the back door of his house. The couple stood up in surprise.

"(Robertson) then picked up a lit candle that was on the top of the dinner table and threw it towards both victims, striking (the man) on his right hand, causing a visible bruise," the report said. "Both victims then ran into the living room in fear of (Robertson). (Robertson) then proceeded to pick up the porcelain plates from the dinner table and throw them at the victims."

The woman ran into a bedroom. The man grabbed Robertson by an arm, hustled her out and locked the back door.

Robertson, a University of North Texas graduate from Garland, Texas, has been a Dolphins cheerleader for two seasons. Her career is listed on the Dolphins website as "product stylist."

Since 1989, David J. Neal's domain at the Miami Herald has expanded to include writing about Panthers (NHL and FIU), Dolphins, old school animation, food safety, fraud, naughty lawyers, bad doctors and all manner of breaking news. He drinks coladas whole. He does not work Indianapolis 500 Race Day.


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