Hilton, Fairport, Eastridge among Section V Winter Cheerleading champions - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

February 24, 2019 at 01:08PM


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Hilton, Fairport, Eastridge, Perry, and Avon all won their divisions at the Section V Winter Cheerleading Championships at RIT on Saturday. 

In Division Co-Ed, Fairport just beat out Webster Thomas by less than two points. 

"I thought they had a great energy and things went well overall," said Fairport coach Elaine McGurk. "We usually try to keep things the same leading up to sectionals and they support each other and help get that high energy up for performances like this."

"We had a couple little mishaps but overall we did well and practice was tough this past week so I think we really pulled out a good one," added Fariport cheerleader Abigail McNally. "Section V is so amazing and has so many awesome teams it's great."

McNally pointed out that Fairport was extra motivated because in its last competition the team finished third. "We were all saying it's comeback season and wanted to show people how great we are," she said. 

The Red Raiders also ended the evening with two award recipients. McGurk won the coach of the year while cheerleader Lindsey Sharman won the Nancy Saxton Leadership award. 

McNally and the rest of her team are ready for states, too. "I'm so excited, I've been twice and it's such an amazing day and to see all those teams," she said.

Webster Thomas will also be going to states in the co-ed division. 

It was another close one between Hilton and Victor in Division 1 but the Cadets came out on top. 

"We lost two athletes at the beginning (this season) but since competition season it's been this team, and every performance they have nailed but today was their best for sure," said Hilton coach Shelly Caamano. "Everything they needed to do they did and everything I wanted them to do they did."

"I'm so happy with what we did on the floor, 100 percent. We were not cocky because there is a lot of tough competition so we knew we had to push and fight for it," added Hilton cheerleader Erika Danzig.

Hilton is a team with a lot of seniors so it could handle the pressure but states will be a new experience. "Hilton has never been to states so we're very excited and will be ready," said Caamano. 

Victor, Spencerport and Churchville-Chili will also be joining the Cadets at states in Division 1. 

Palmyra-Macedon won Division 2A and Arkport won Division 2D.

States will be held March 2 at RIT.

Division 2B: 1st Place: Avon 90.03, 2nd Place: Le Roy 89.1, 3rd Place: East Rochester 81.45. Division 2D: 1st Place: Arkport/Canaseraga 80.28, 2nd Place: Fillmore 69.28, 3rd Place: Bolivar-Richburg 67.93. Division 2A: 1st Place: Palmyra-Macedon 84.83, 2nd Place: Midlakes 83.45, 3rd Place: Hornell 83.33. Division 2C: 1st Place: Perry 82.9, 2nd Place: Bloomfield 80.68, 3rd Place: Campbell-Savona 74.13. Division 1: 1st Place: Hilton 95.3, 2nd Place: Victor 93.45, 3rd Place: Spencerport 88.78. Division Co-Ed: 1st Place: Fairport 90.58, 2nd Place: Webster Thomas 89.55, 3rd Place: Greece Arcadia 85.45. Division 2 Large: 1st Place: Eastridge 86.88, 2nd Place: Attica 75.15, 3rd Place: Red Jacket 75.08.


Hilton, Fairport, Eastridge among Section V Winter Cheerleading champions - Rochester Democrat and ChronicleHilton cheerleader Madison Newbauer, holds up the first place trophy her team won, as she heads back to her team.Eastridge receives their first place medals.Victor coach Alexa O'Brien cheers on her team as they perform.Eastridge scored 86.88.West Irondequoit carries one of their flyers forward during their routine.West Irondequoit performs their routine.Eastridge during their routine.Ashley Streeter hugs her sister, Julayshea DeRosa, as DeRosa waits to hear where Greece Onyx placed.Hilton cheerleaders hug each other after hearing they came in first place.Northeast gets ready to catch their flyer.Victor gets all their fliers on top during a portion of their performance.Hilton cheerleaders during their routine.Briten McKenzie cheers with her Pittsford teammates.Anthony Cartella, assistant Greece Arcadia coach, gives the girls instructions while they warm up and practice.Webster Schroeder dancing during a portion of their routine.Greece Athena dance during their routine.An Aquinas cheerleader is lifted briefly as part of the routine.Aquinas during their cheer portion of their routine.Hilton cheerleader Madison Newbauer, holds up the first place trophy her team won, as she heads back to her team.Eastridge receives their first place medals.Victor coach Alexa O'Brien cheers on her team as they perform.Eastridge scored 86.88.West Irondequoit carries one of their flyers forward during their routine.West Irondequoit performs their routine.Eastridge during their routine.Ashley Streeter hugs her sister, Julayshea DeRosa, as DeRosa waits to hear where Greece Onyx placed.Hilton cheerleaders hug each other after hearing they came in first place.Northeast gets ready to catch their flyer.Victor gets all their fliers on top during a portion of their performance.Hilton cheerleaders during their routine.Briten McKenzie cheers with her Pittsford teammates.Anthony Cartella, assistant Greece Arcadia coach, gives the girls instructions while they warm up and practice.Webster Schroeder dancing during a portion of their routine.Greece Athena dance during their routine.An Aquinas cheerleader is lifted briefly as part of the routine.Aquinas during their cheer portion of their routine.
Erika Danzig, leads her Hilton teammates in a cheer, Victor throws their flyers high. Victor came in second place in their division.Webster Thomas placed second in the CoEd Division.Fairport scored 90.58 to take first place.Fans film their team as they wait to hear if they won.Victor's fans has a cheering squad cheering them on as they perform.Morgan Schreib, flyer, holds up her pom while Pittsford teammates Kennedy Sayres and Briten McKenzie hold her.Webster Schroeder dance and shift into lines during their routine.Greece Athena flips their flyer during their routine.Erika Danzig, leads her Hilton teammates in a cheer, Victor throws their flyers high. Victor came in second place in their division.Webster Thomas placed second in the CoEd Division.Fairport scored 90.58 to take first place.Fans film their team as they wait to hear if they won.Victor's fans has a cheering squad cheering them on as they perform.Morgan Schreib, flyer, holds up her pom while Pittsford teammates Kennedy Sayres and Briten McKenzie hold her.Webster Schroeder dance and shift into lines during their routine.Greece Athena flips their flyer during their routine.

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