February 24, 2019 at 07:36PM
"Now you know why I love Murphy High School," said alumnus John Mason, as he got a special visit from Murphy cheerleaders on his 100th birthday.
Mason, a Gadsden native who graduated with Murphy's Class of 1937 and went off to enlist for service ahead of World War II, trained as an Army aviation mechanic and later volunteered for service as a glider pilot. His four brothers also served.
After the war he participated in air shows, helping raise money for war bonds. "I could land my aircraft on a dime and the dime would be auctioned off when the show was over," he said in a 2013 AL.com interview. "We raised millions of dollars for the war effort that way."
After the service he worked in marketing with the Keds Corporation, moving around the country but returning to Mobile a decade after retiring in 1980. He was married for almost 70 years to Mary Curtis Mason, who died in 2013. He is now a resident of the Westminster Village retirement community in Spanish Fort.
A squad of Murphy cheerleaders turned out for the occasion, and brought along a box of keepsakes from the school -- including a handmade poster saying "Once a panther, always a panther."
They and assembled onlookers found Mason to be anything but a passive listener. After Westminster Village Chaplain Bob Stauffacher introduced him at the beginning of the program, he stood up and challenged the crowd to do a few calisthenics with him.
Mason had lettered in baseball, football, track and basketball while at Murphy. At one point in the cheerleader's routines, he surprised them by jumping up and acting as if he was ready to take a snap.
"To think that you ladies would come out is a real, real, honor to me, he said.
To the assembled friends, family and fellow residents he said, "I thank you and I love each and every one of you."
"Now you know why I love Murphy High School," said alumnus John Mason, as he got a special visit from Murphy cheerleaders on his 100th birthday.
Mason, a Gadsden native who graduated with Murphy's Class of 1937 and went off to enlist for service ahead of World War II, trained as an Army aviation mechanic and later volunteered for service as a glider pilot. His four brothers also served.
After the war he participated in air shows, helping raise money for war bonds. "I could land my aircraft on a dime and the dime would be auctioned off when the show was over," he said in a 2013 AL.com interview. "We raised millions of dollars for the war effort that way."
After the service he worked in marketing with the Keds Corporation, moving around the country but returning to Mobile a decade after retiring in 1980. He was married for almost 70 years to Mary Curtis Mason, who died in 2013. He is now a resident of the Westminster Village retirement community in Spanish Fort.
A squad of Murphy cheerleaders turned out for the occasion, and brought along a box of keepsakes from the school -- including a handmade poster saying "Once a panther, always a panther."
They and assembled onlookers found Mason to be anything but a passive listener. After Westminster Village Chaplain Bob Stauffacher introduced him at the beginning of the program, he stood up and challenged the crowd to do a few calisthenics with him.
Mason had lettered in baseball, football, track and basketball while at Murphy. At one point in the cheerleader's routines, he surprised them by jumping up and acting as if he was ready to take a snap.
"To think that you ladies would come out is a real, real, honor to me, he said.
To the assembled friends, family and fellow residents he said, "I thank you and I love each and every one of you."