July 04, 2019 at 05:18AM
Zero Gravity Cheerleading's Revolution team won two titles at a competition in Sydney and now have the chance to compete in Hawaii.
A Palmerston North cheerleading team could be jetting off to a competition Hawaii after a successful trip to Australia.
A team from Zero Gravity Cheerleading have returned on Tuesday from competing at Eutopia Cheer and Dance in Sydney, and have managed to take out top honours in their category. The team, dubbed Revolution, was made up of eighteen girls ranging in age from nine to 18.
Revolution beat out 14 other teams to be crowned level 2 champions, and came first place in the senior level 2 division. Cheerleading ranges from level one to level seven, and competitors must be be in a certain age range to compete in the senior division.
Their division win means the team has qualified to compete in the Global Games Dance and Cheerleading Championship in Hawaii in 2021. Zero Gravity Cheerleading owner and head coach Courtney Thompson said the team was "pretty amped" after their success and even more excited about the prospect of another overseas trip.
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The team is made up of 18 girls between the ages of 9 to 18.
Thompson said the trip to Hawaii wasn't confirmed, but the team were keen to fundraise hard to pay their way there.
She said fundraising for the trip would have to start soon, as Thompson knew Hawaii would be more costly than the $1500 per person for the Australia trip. Although some of the team would be too old to compete in a couple of years time, Thompson was trying to keep most of the team together. "If they have the opportunity to go to Hawaii, I think most of them will stick around." Training for the competition started in February, and slowly ramped up to two trainings a week closer to the competition.SUPPLIED
Head coach Courtney Thompson said the team produced their best routine for the competition.
Thompson thought the judge's feedback reflected the hard yards the team had put in.
"The judges said the routine was really clean, tidy and exciting to watch ... I could not be more proud, they worked really, really hard for this."
She said the team was given a two-and-a-half minute slot to perform at the competition and made the most of it, giving the best performance of the routine she had seen.
Zero Gravity Cheerleading's Revolution team won two titles at a competition in Sydney and now have the chance to compete in Hawaii.
A Palmerston North cheerleading team could be jetting off to a competition Hawaii after a successful trip to Australia.
A team from Zero Gravity Cheerleading have returned on Tuesday from competing at Eutopia Cheer and Dance in Sydney, and have managed to take out top honours in their category. The team, dubbed Revolution, was made up of eighteen girls ranging in age from nine to 18.
Revolution beat out 14 other teams to be crowned level 2 champions, and came first place in the senior level 2 division. Cheerleading ranges from level one to level seven, and competitors must be be in a certain age range to compete in the senior division.
Their division win means the team has qualified to compete in the Global Games Dance and Cheerleading Championship in Hawaii in 2021. Zero Gravity Cheerleading owner and head coach Courtney Thompson said the team was "pretty amped" after their success and even more excited about the prospect of another overseas trip.
* Tattooed tradie to compete at cheerleading world championships
* Freyberg High School student prepares for cheerleading trip to Florida
* Adaptive cheerleading team first in New Zealand to compete
The team is made up of 18 girls between the ages of 9 to 18.
Thompson said the trip to Hawaii wasn't confirmed, but the team were keen to fundraise hard to pay their way there.
She said fundraising for the trip would have to start soon, as Thompson knew Hawaii would be more costly than the $1500 per person for the Australia trip. Although some of the team would be too old to compete in a couple of years time, Thompson was trying to keep most of the team together. "If they have the opportunity to go to Hawaii, I think most of them will stick around." Training for the competition started in February, and slowly ramped up to two trainings a week closer to the competition.SUPPLIED
Head coach Courtney Thompson said the team produced their best routine for the competition.
Thompson thought the judge's feedback reflected the hard yards the team had put in.
"The judges said the routine was really clean, tidy and exciting to watch ... I could not be more proud, they worked really, really hard for this."
She said the team was given a two-and-a-half minute slot to perform at the competition and made the most of it, giving the best performance of the routine she had seen.