November 06, 2019 at 05:42AM
This week's Spotlight features three captains of the Varsity Cheer Squad: Shay Tatum, Kaylee Thomas and McKenna Jarmon. As you will read, these three young ladies are very busy setting a good example of enjoying life while staying on track to reach their goals. The cheer squad has 18 members and is led by director Jaclyn Torres. What do you plan to do after graduation? McKenna: I am a senior, so I can answer this easily. I already have 60 college credits from ACC classes, and I will finish up my last two remaining years at a university. I then plan on ...
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This week's Spotlight features three captains of the Varsity Cheer Squad: Shay Tatum, Kaylee Thomas and McKenna Jarmon. As you will read, these three young ladies are very busy setting a good example of enjoying life while staying on track to reach their goals. The cheer squad has 18 members and is led by director Jaclyn Torres. What do you plan to do after graduation? McKenna: I am a senior, so I can answer this easily. I already have 60 college credits from ACC classes, and I will finish up my last two remaining years at a university. I then plan on ...
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