October 27, 2019 at 10:30PM
Carson High School cheerleaders cheered as they entered Walmart in Carson City and then performed two more cheers on top of that. There is an old saying found in a very old book which says, "You have not because you ask not."
Well, the parent of a CHS student, Mary Woods, voluntarily stepped up and bravely did the asking, and the answer she was looking for was a resounding yes. According to CHS Cheer Coach, Sheila Story, "We would like to thank Walmart on Market Street for awarding us a $5,000 grant to help support our team; the money will be used for the 2019-2020 competition season."
Asked about the story behind it all, Coach Story said, "We have a parent who decided she wanted to meet the store manager for Walmart in Carson City, and she asked him about a sponsorship for the CHS Cheer team; he responded by saying Walmart has a Community Grant Program, and he has grant money available." Story then said, "He informed the parent on how to apply for the grant, so she sent me the information, I wrote the grant, and we were awarded the grant."
The USA Spirit National 2020 in February will take place in Anaheim, California. "Last year, we placed 3rd in the nation within our division, and we hope to win 1st place this year" Story added. Wood's daughter, who has cheered for CHS for the past two years, is a junior on the Varsity Cheer Team. Credit where credit is due as they say, the store manager of the Market Street Walmart is James Schaffer. The Carson City Community is famous for supporting its children, so should the opportunity arise, please make it a point to stop by Walmart and thank its story manager, James Schaffer.
Bittersweet moments happened at the last mountain bike race of the season in Truckee, California where Senators Cycling went home with myriads of awards. Once again, Elsa Harrison placed first in the race and earned first overall in the league for freshman girls. Hailey Osborne took 4th place for the race, earning second overall for eighth grade girls, and Leah Card placed 1st in the league. Carson's Eric Billings finished 5th for the last race. Joshua Fox placed second for the final race, and Sylis Chalmers took 1st place for the Tahoe race for sixth grade boys. Freshman Bennet Card placed third overall.
Carson High School teacher and FCA adviser Ty McMillen, and the CHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes, bring unforgettable guests, their very own teachers, coaches, and parents to share personal life-changing messages to inspire faith, hope, and trust in God. FCA members, on the lookout for teachers willing to open up their personal lives to others, found CHS Varsity Soccer Coach Frank Martinez to share his testimony. On Oct. 15, Martinez spoke to students about his life growing up in Mexico, how he was at first angry with God for the poverty in which he was raised; however, over time, Martinez believed God allowed him to go through all of these difficulties as a child and young adult in order to appreciate all that he now has, God being the most important person in his life. Martinez's wife, son Christian, who graduated from CHS, and his daughter Kiana, one of the leaders of FCA, were all present to hear him speak. There were so many students who came to hear Martinez speak. Not only did they come to support Coach Martinez and his daughter Kiana, they came to hear words of wisdom from a man who has seen more than his share of life's challenges. The goal of FCA is to foster unity and support between people of all walks of life, not just athletes, as they follow their faith through word, deed, and sharing. FCA meets every Tuesday during lunch in room, 214. All are welcome to attend and receive a couple pieces of pizza…for free of course.
The CHS theatre arts department will be holding a make-up and costume fundraiser, open to the public, on Halloween from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Make-up styles range from special effects to glam, and many types of costumes are available to rent. There will also be hair styling. Contact CHS Language Arts and Theater teacher Regina White at rwhite@carson.k12.nv.us to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.
The CHS National Honor Society won the Northern Nevada High School Blood Drive Challenge from United Blood Services. NHS' first blood drive this year is Oct. 30 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Medical staff will be in the CHS Small Gym. Large numbers of donors are needed, and donors must be 16 or older. Anyone under 18 must have a signed parent consent form and a picture ID when they donate. Students may sign up by room #221 or drop by the day of the blood drive. Snacks and drinks are also needed. Call teachers and NHS advisers Monica Chavez, 283-1749, or Jennifer Alexander, 283-1720, for more information.
The Day of the Dead Celebration takes place at the Nevada State Museum Nov. 1 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. and Nov. 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ceramics I students will have masks on display and Ceramics II will have an Ofrenda display. This event is open and free to the public and includes sugar skull crafts, folklore dancers, and food trucks. CHS ceramics teacher Alisa Kuniya said, "Also, your trash is our treasure as the CHS ceramics class is always in need of the following: Dry cleaning plastic, plastic containers, salad-earthbound and catering containers, sheet cake or large deli sandwich containers, any shoebox or larger storage bins with lids, plastic picnic-ware large and small bowls and plates, used gift cards/key cards or other plastic cards, any size paintbrushes, newspaper, and bubble wrap ad used bubble mailers in order to transport the masks and so students may safely transport projects home; the bubble wrap is our most immediate need." Please place items in Mrs. Kuniya's mailbox, take them to room 274, email akuniya@carson.k12.nv.us/, or call 283-1775, and she would be happy to pick them up. For more information about the event, please go to carsonnvmuseum.org/ddlm.
The 4th Annual Teacher Basketball game will be held in the CHS Big Gym Nov. 13. According to CHS teacher and Leadership Adviser Ann Britt, "This year we are going to be doing things a little bit differently, teachers against the local Sheriffs' offices." Britt also said, "The theme will be Books versus Badges as CHS and Douglas High School teachers team up and take on the Carson City and Douglas Sheriffs' offices; all proceeds will go towards putting an end to domestic violence." Call CHS teacher Ann Britt at 283-1769, or email her at abritt@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
The deadline for the Voice of Democracy contest has been extended in the hopes several students will be interested in a chance at up to $30,000 in scholarship funds for college or trade school. The theme is "What Makes America Great", and the deadline is Nov. 18. Peggy Green-Wilson, Secretary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Kit Carson Post 3726, said, "I have contest rules and entry forms aplenty; I will bring them to you [teachers] right away if there are interested students." Green-Wilson went on to say "…all state winners will receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC with a parent and part of $154,000 in scholarship money." "If you have some likely participants among your students, please call me at 220-0047 or email me at pgwilson7@charter.net, and I will come running with applications…thank you for your consideration" she added.
This year's CHS Holiday Craft Fair is Nov. 22 through 23 with 140 booths, Santa, and a raffle. Intend to have a booth at the craft fair? Contact Cathy Barbie at 882-8109, or email her at barbiecathy55@gmail.com for more information.
CHS Senior Projects for the class of 2020 are ramping up, and the Senior Project Committee is looking for community members to volunteer to judge and review portfolios; reviewing takes place in April 2020, and judging for presentation day is April 27. This is a great opportunity to get involved with serving the community, participating in the CHS Senior Project program, and supporting graduating seniors. Please sign up to volunteer at chsseniorproject.weebly.com, Contact Melisa Kunter at 283-1640, or email seniorproject@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
It is getting cold outside, and new coats and hoodies are needed to support the McKinney-Vento Students in Transition Program. Those wanting to help may deliver coats to 618 West Musser Street and 256 East Winnie Lane in Carson City. For more information about the coat and hoodie drive, please call 283-1526 or 283-1537.
Everyone in Carson City is invited, always invited, to come on out and support the Carson High School athletic teams and programs. The CHS soccer teams will be playing against Wooster High School at Wooster beginning at 11:45 a.m. with boys junior varsity, girls varsity at 1:30 p.m., and at 3:15 p.m. will be boys varsity soccer Oct. 26. On Oct. 29 at 3:45, freshman girls volleyball will play Douglas High School, at 5:00 girls junior varsity volleyball will play DHS, and then at 6:00 p.m. girls varsity will play DHS at CHS. Also at 5:00 p.m. girls junior varsity soccer will play DHS at CHS, and then at 6:45 p.m., girls varsity soccer will play DHS at CHS. Boys junior varsity soccer will play DHS Oct. 30 at 5:00 p.m. at CHS and then at 6:45 p.m. boys varsity will play DHS at CHS. On Oct. 31, freshman football will play DHS at DHS, and boys junior varsity will play DHS at 5:45 p.m. at DHS.
CHS Athletic Department's Athletes of the Week are Camille Larkin for Varsity Girls V
Carson High School cheerleaders cheered as they entered Walmart in Carson City and then performed two more cheers on top of that. There is an old saying found in a very old book which says, "You have not because you ask not."
Well, the parent of a CHS student, Mary Woods, voluntarily stepped up and bravely did the asking, and the answer she was looking for was a resounding yes. According to CHS Cheer Coach, Sheila Story, "We would like to thank Walmart on Market Street for awarding us a $5,000 grant to help support our team; the money will be used for the 2019-2020 competition season."
Asked about the story behind it all, Coach Story said, "We have a parent who decided she wanted to meet the store manager for Walmart in Carson City, and she asked him about a sponsorship for the CHS Cheer team; he responded by saying Walmart has a Community Grant Program, and he has grant money available." Story then said, "He informed the parent on how to apply for the grant, so she sent me the information, I wrote the grant, and we were awarded the grant."
The USA Spirit National 2020 in February will take place in Anaheim, California. "Last year, we placed 3rd in the nation within our division, and we hope to win 1st place this year" Story added. Wood's daughter, who has cheered for CHS for the past two years, is a junior on the Varsity Cheer Team. Credit where credit is due as they say, the store manager of the Market Street Walmart is James Schaffer. The Carson City Community is famous for supporting its children, so should the opportunity arise, please make it a point to stop by Walmart and thank its story manager, James Schaffer.
Bittersweet moments happened at the last mountain bike race of the season in Truckee, California where Senators Cycling went home with myriads of awards. Once again, Elsa Harrison placed first in the race and earned first overall in the league for freshman girls. Hailey Osborne took 4th place for the race, earning second overall for eighth grade girls, and Leah Card placed 1st in the league. Carson's Eric Billings finished 5th for the last race. Joshua Fox placed second for the final race, and Sylis Chalmers took 1st place for the Tahoe race for sixth grade boys. Freshman Bennet Card placed third overall.
Carson High School teacher and FCA adviser Ty McMillen, and the CHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes, bring unforgettable guests, their very own teachers, coaches, and parents to share personal life-changing messages to inspire faith, hope, and trust in God. FCA members, on the lookout for teachers willing to open up their personal lives to others, found CHS Varsity Soccer Coach Frank Martinez to share his testimony. On Oct. 15, Martinez spoke to students about his life growing up in Mexico, how he was at first angry with God for the poverty in which he was raised; however, over time, Martinez believed God allowed him to go through all of these difficulties as a child and young adult in order to appreciate all that he now has, God being the most important person in his life. Martinez's wife, son Christian, who graduated from CHS, and his daughter Kiana, one of the leaders of FCA, were all present to hear him speak. There were so many students who came to hear Martinez speak. Not only did they come to support Coach Martinez and his daughter Kiana, they came to hear words of wisdom from a man who has seen more than his share of life's challenges. The goal of FCA is to foster unity and support between people of all walks of life, not just athletes, as they follow their faith through word, deed, and sharing. FCA meets every Tuesday during lunch in room, 214. All are welcome to attend and receive a couple pieces of pizza…for free of course.
The CHS theatre arts department will be holding a make-up and costume fundraiser, open to the public, on Halloween from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Make-up styles range from special effects to glam, and many types of costumes are available to rent. There will also be hair styling. Contact CHS Language Arts and Theater teacher Regina White at rwhite@carson.k12.nv.us to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.
The CHS National Honor Society won the Northern Nevada High School Blood Drive Challenge from United Blood Services. NHS' first blood drive this year is Oct. 30 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Medical staff will be in the CHS Small Gym. Large numbers of donors are needed, and donors must be 16 or older. Anyone under 18 must have a signed parent consent form and a picture ID when they donate. Students may sign up by room #221 or drop by the day of the blood drive. Snacks and drinks are also needed. Call teachers and NHS advisers Monica Chavez, 283-1749, or Jennifer Alexander, 283-1720, for more information.
The Day of the Dead Celebration takes place at the Nevada State Museum Nov. 1 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. and Nov. 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ceramics I students will have masks on display and Ceramics II will have an Ofrenda display. This event is open and free to the public and includes sugar skull crafts, folklore dancers, and food trucks. CHS ceramics teacher Alisa Kuniya said, "Also, your trash is our treasure as the CHS ceramics class is always in need of the following: Dry cleaning plastic, plastic containers, salad-earthbound and catering containers, sheet cake or large deli sandwich containers, any shoebox or larger storage bins with lids, plastic picnic-ware large and small bowls and plates, used gift cards/key cards or other plastic cards, any size paintbrushes, newspaper, and bubble wrap ad used bubble mailers in order to transport the masks and so students may safely transport projects home; the bubble wrap is our most immediate need." Please place items in Mrs. Kuniya's mailbox, take them to room 274, email akuniya@carson.k12.nv.us/, or call 283-1775, and she would be happy to pick them up. For more information about the event, please go to carsonnvmuseum.org/ddlm.
The 4th Annual Teacher Basketball game will be held in the CHS Big Gym Nov. 13. According to CHS teacher and Leadership Adviser Ann Britt, "This year we are going to be doing things a little bit differently, teachers against the local Sheriffs' offices." Britt also said, "The theme will be Books versus Badges as CHS and Douglas High School teachers team up and take on the Carson City and Douglas Sheriffs' offices; all proceeds will go towards putting an end to domestic violence." Call CHS teacher Ann Britt at 283-1769, or email her at abritt@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
The deadline for the Voice of Democracy contest has been extended in the hopes several students will be interested in a chance at up to $30,000 in scholarship funds for college or trade school. The theme is "What Makes America Great", and the deadline is Nov. 18. Peggy Green-Wilson, Secretary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Kit Carson Post 3726, said, "I have contest rules and entry forms aplenty; I will bring them to you [teachers] right away if there are interested students." Green-Wilson went on to say "…all state winners will receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC with a parent and part of $154,000 in scholarship money." "If you have some likely participants among your students, please call me at 220-0047 or email me at pgwilson7@charter.net, and I will come running with applications…thank you for your consideration" she added.
This year's CHS Holiday Craft Fair is Nov. 22 through 23 with 140 booths, Santa, and a raffle. Intend to have a booth at the craft fair? Contact Cathy Barbie at 882-8109, or email her at barbiecathy55@gmail.com for more information.
CHS Senior Projects for the class of 2020 are ramping up, and the Senior Project Committee is looking for community members to volunteer to judge and review portfolios; reviewing takes place in April 2020, and judging for presentation day is April 27. This is a great opportunity to get involved with serving the community, participating in the CHS Senior Project program, and supporting graduating seniors. Please sign up to volunteer at chsseniorproject.weebly.com, Contact Melisa Kunter at 283-1640, or email seniorproject@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
It is getting cold outside, and new coats and hoodies are needed to support the McKinney-Vento Students in Transition Program. Those wanting to help may deliver coats to 618 West Musser Street and 256 East Winnie Lane in Carson City. For more information about the coat and hoodie drive, please call 283-1526 or 283-1537.
Everyone in Carson City is invited, always invited, to come on out and support the Carson High School athletic teams and programs. The CHS soccer teams will be playing against Wooster High School at Wooster beginning at 11:45 a.m. with boys junior varsity, girls varsity at 1:30 p.m., and at 3:15 p.m. will be boys varsity soccer Oct. 26. On Oct. 29 at 3:45, freshman girls volleyball will play Douglas High School, at 5:00 girls junior varsity volleyball will play DHS, and then at 6:00 p.m. girls varsity will play DHS at CHS. Also at 5:00 p.m. girls junior varsity soccer will play DHS at CHS, and then at 6:45 p.m., girls varsity soccer will play DHS at CHS. Boys junior varsity soccer will play DHS Oct. 30 at 5:00 p.m. at CHS and then at 6:45 p.m. boys varsity will play DHS at CHS. On Oct. 31, freshman football will play DHS at DHS, and boys junior varsity will play DHS at 5:45 p.m. at DHS.
CHS Athletic Department's Athletes of the Week are Camille Larkin for Varsity Girls Volleyball and Gilbert Polanco for Varsity Boys Football. These athletes and all students who participate in school functions through leadership, clubs, and sports deserve a high level of recognition and congratulations.
Brian Fox, PhD, nominated Bita Jazani as Student of the Week. Fox said, "Bita deserves to be Senator of the Week because of her expertise on violin, her ability to work on a team, and her kind spirit; she helps her classmates improve with helpful suggestions, and she exudes positive energy constantly." Congratulations to Bita Jazani for becoming the CHS Student of the Week.
The Senior in the Spotlight this week is Cierra Randall. Cierra is a dedicated student and a vital part of the CHS Community. Cierra has maintained straight A's throughout high school, and she currently has a 4.675 overall GPA while taking numerous Advanced Placement Courses. Keeping up such a high GPA with all of her activities has been a challenge, and she meets this with grace. Cierra is very involved at CHS. She has been a part of the Leadership class for the past two years and currently holds the position of Student Body Treasurer. She is also the treasurer for National Honor Society and president of the new Philosophy Club on campus. Cierra has competed at the state level in Speech and Debate for the past two years and has worked with freshmen as a member of the Blue Crew for three. Cierra plans to attend UNR in the fall in order to study Political Science. During the last legislative session, she had the opportunity to be an intern at the legislature. She found this to be very interesting work and hopes she can work with some of Nevada's legislators during the next session. Cierra enjoys time with her family, as well as hiking and reading. Congratulations Cierra and good luck. CHS is proud of you.
— Senator Square columnist Phil Brady is an English teacher at Carson High School in Carson City, Nev.