The Cheerleader Escort: 3 signs your cheerleading team is a secret escort ring - Hidden Remote

September 15, 2019 at 09:47PM

In the second-to-last movie of Lifetime's Cheer, Rally, Kill line-up, The Cheerleader Escort, we meet Cassie Talbot, a newcomer at Tate Riley University. Cassie is persuaded to try out for the cheerleading team. She is hand-picked by Gabby, Brianna, and Coach Stephanie to become one of the "girls."

It doesn't take long to find out that some girls on the team are prone to sleeping with wealthy alumni in exchange for perks. The plot to this movie may sound eerily familiar to the 2017 Coast Carolina University scandal, but Lifetime hasn't said anything about the similarities.

Poor Cassie is woefully naive when it comes to her team's moonlight habits. Would you have noticed all the red flags had you been in her shoes?

3. The cheerleaders at your school frequently disappear, alone, in big black vans adorned with tinted windows while they're dressed to the nines.

Cassie's best friend and roommate, Alyssa, catches on quick to the fact the cheerleading team may not be as "all sports and no play" as they appear. She notices Gabby slipping out of an expensive-looking car into an even more expensive-looking hotel.

She's not the first or last cheerleader on the Tate Riley team to do so. It's a little sketchy when all the girls on your team are seen making eyes at much older men and then vanishing into the night with them.

2. Your cheerleading coach is a madame.

I mean, this is the most obvious sign right? Coach Stephanie's own last name is "Dodger" as in "Dodge her." I don't know if that was intentional but I'm pretending it was because I love name puns. It's something of a twist when we see Gabby's alumni sugar daddy pull up all threatening to unveil that Stephanie is the one pulling the strings behind the whole operation!

However, considering she was looking at Cassie with a creepy gleam in her eye from their first scene together, we could infer that Stephanie had a few fingers in the pie herself.

1. Your teammate dies in a mysterious overdose after threatening a powerful alumnus.

Weird, Gabby turned up dead the day after threatening John to ruin his whole life with a baby bombshell! He even retaliates by saying he'll "destroy her." What are the odds she happens to overdose? Pretty slim. At least Cassie isn't naive enough to ignore the body in front of her nose even if she did seriously believe Terry had feelings for her. Turns out, Stephanie "took care of things" in a more murder-y way than she did with Monica. Miss Danforth should consider herself lucky she dodged a bullet unlike poor Gabby.

That also brings our Lifetime movie kill count to a resounding 1, pretty surprising for a movie about escorts and sugar daddies. Not nearly as salacious as I was anticipating.

The final movie in Lifetime's Cheer, Rally, Kill line-up, Undercover Cheerleader, debuts tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. ET. 

In the second-to-last movie of Lifetime's Cheer, Rally, Kill line-up, The Cheerleader Escort, we meet Cassie Talbot, a newcomer at Tate Riley University. Cassie is persuaded to try out for the cheerleading team. She is hand-picked by Gabby, Brianna, and Coach Stephanie to become one of the "girls."

It doesn't take long to find out that some girls on the team are prone to sleeping with wealthy alumni in exchange for perks. The plot to this movie may sound eerily familiar to the 2017 Coast Carolina University scandal, but Lifetime hasn't said anything about the similarities.

Poor Cassie is woefully naive when it comes to her team's moonlight habits. Would you have noticed all the red flags had you been in her shoes?

3. The cheerleaders at your school frequently disappear, alone, in big black vans adorned with tinted windows while they're dressed to the nines.

Cassie's best friend and roommate, Alyssa, catches on quick to the fact the cheerleading team may not be as "all sports and no play" as they appear. She notices Gabby slipping out of an expensive-looking car into an even more expensive-looking hotel.

She's not the first or last cheerleader on the Tate Riley team to do so. It's a little sketchy when all the girls on your team are seen making eyes at much older men and then vanishing into the night with them.

2. Your cheerleading coach is a madame.

I mean, this is the most obvious sign right? Coach Stephanie's own last name is "Dodger" as in "Dodge her." I don't know if that was intentional but I'm pretending it was because I love name puns. It's something of a twist when we see Gabby's alumni sugar daddy pull up all threatening to unveil that Stephanie is the one pulling the strings behind the whole operation!

However, considering she was looking at Cassie with a creepy gleam in her eye from their first scene together, we could infer that Stephanie had a few fingers in the pie herself.

1. Your teammate dies in a mysterious overdose after threatening a powerful alumnus.

Weird, Gabby turned up dead the day after threatening John to ruin his whole life with a baby bombshell! He even retaliates by saying he'll "destroy her." What are the odds she happens to overdose? Pretty slim. At least Cassie isn't naive enough to ignore the body in front of her nose even if she did seriously believe Terry had feelings for her. Turns out, Stephanie "took care of things" in a more murder-y way than she did with Monica. Miss Danforth should consider herself lucky she dodged a bullet unlike poor Gabby.

That also brings our Lifetime movie kill count to a resounding 1, pretty surprising for a movie about escorts and sugar daddies. Not nearly as salacious as I was anticipating.

The final movie in Lifetime's Cheer, Rally, Kill line-up, Undercover Cheerleader, debuts tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. ET. 


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