Former UMass cheerleaders travel to Buffalo to support team in Frozen Four -

April 12, 2019 at 08:41AM

AJ and John Marotta

BUFFALO (WWLP) - Two former UMass cheerleaders traveled more than 1,600 miles to support the men's hockey team in their first Frozen Four appearance.

Brothers John and AJ Marotta flew to Buffalo from San Antonio, Texas. John graduated from UMass in 2003, and AJ in 2006.

"It's one of those moments you don't miss when you're an alumni," John said. 

"We said if they actually win the national championship and we had the opportunity to come and we didn't, we'd be really mad at ourselves," AJ added. "So we made it happen!"

The Marottas told 22News they are happy to see a big UMass crowd in Buffalo to cheer on the team.

For updates on the game, find 22News on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram

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Former UMass cheerleaders travel to Buffalo to support team in Frozen FourAIC Hockey Season puts team and...Former UMass cheerleaders travel to Buffalo to support team in Frozen Four

AJ and John Marotta

Former UMass cheerleaders travel to Buffalo to support team in Frozen FourCopyright 2019 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

AJ and John Marotta

BUFFALO (WWLP) - Two former UMass cheerleaders traveled more than 1,600 miles to support the men's hockey team in their first Frozen Four appearance.

Brothers John and AJ Marotta flew to Buffalo from San Antonio, Texas. John graduated from UMass in 2003, and AJ in 2006.

"It's one of those moments you don't miss when you're an alumni," John said. 

"We said if they actually win the national championship and we had the opportunity to come and we didn't, we'd be really mad at ourselves," AJ added. "So we made it happen!"

The Marottas told 22News they are happy to see a big UMass crowd in Buffalo to cheer on the team.

For updates on the game, find 22News on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram

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Former UMass cheerleaders travel to Buffalo to support team in Frozen FourAIC Hockey Season puts team and...Former UMass cheerleaders travel to Buffalo to support team in Frozen Four


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