Did you know? Eagles had male cheerleaders when Jaws was QB and Andre and Wes patrolled the secondary - Allentown Morning Call

May 03, 2019 at 03:05AM

Thanks to a former Eagles cheerleader and Allentown native Stacy Tayman, who brought this to our attention, we now know the Eagles had a pair of men on their cheerleading team back when Marion Campbell was the head coach, Ron Jaworski was handing the ball to Wilbert Montgomery and throwing the ball to Mike Quick (now part of the team's radio broadcast crew), and Andre Waters and Wes Hopkins were leveling receivers in the secondary.

Thanks to a former Eagles cheerleader and Allentown native Stacy Tayman, who brought this to our attention, we now know the Eagles had a pair of men on their cheerleading team back when Marion Campbell was the head coach, Ron Jaworski was handing the ball to Wilbert Montgomery and throwing the ball to Mike Quick (now part of the team's radio broadcast crew), and Andre Waters and Wes Hopkins were leveling receivers in the secondary.


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