April 03, 2019 at 11:40AM
Hinsdale High School District 86 officials expect deep cuts in activities, including football, wrestling swimming, cheerleaders and marching band, will be reversed Wednesday following apparent voter approval of a $140 million bond referendum.
With 90% of precincts reporting, unofficial results show about 61% of voters were in favor of the bond issue to fund school improvements.
"Our community values its schools and through this vote has said it wants its facilities to be sound in their infrastructure and as safe and secure as we can make them," said Superintendent Bruce Law.
The school board in December approved the cuts to many clubs and activities effective next school year.
As a result of the referendum passing, the school board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Hinsdale South cafeteria to begin reversing the cuts, made in order to pay for safety and security upgrades and infrastructure repairs. The bonds approved by voters will now fund the upgrades and repairs instead, officials said.
Those who have campaigned for the referendum celebrated Tuesday night.
"What we think made a huge difference is our push to get people to vote early before spring break," said Lana Johnson of Darien, a member of the Vote Yes Save our Schools campaign.
Kari Galassi, chairwoman of the yes campaign, said it took more work than she expected to persuade the majority of voters to support the referendum and "more work than it should have, because of the false information we were battling from the no campaign."
Galassi said she believes the Vote Yes Campaign was successful this time because "we had a much larger volunteer base. We were much more organized and knew where we had to concentrate our efforts and it paid off."
Earlier in the day, Pat and Bob Hurdle of Darien cast their votes in favor of the referendum, though their children were adults with children of their own.
"We always vote to support the schools," said Pat Hurdle. "I just think it's important for children to have the best they can."
Her husband thinks the benefits of the referendum are well worth the additional property taxes he would pay if the referendum passes. Bob Hurdle said he had heard that the cost per day would be about 75 cents, much less than the cost of a cup of coffee at Starbuck's.
District 86 officials estimate the referendum would cost the owner of a home valued at $500,000 an additional $283 a year in property taxes.
The Hurdles said while they lived in Downers Grove a referendum to improve the schools failed "many, many years ago," while their son was in Herrick Junior High School. As a result, the school district cut the band and sports programs for the two years their son was in junior high.
"Sometimes those are the things the child excels in," creative endeavors such as music and sports which can earn a student a college scholarship, Pat Hurdle said.
Christine Mermigas of Clarendon Hills said she specifically went to the polls because she wanted to vote yes on the referendum, even though she does not yet have children.
Investing in the schools is great for maintaining property values, besides the fact that will benefit current and future high school students, she said.
The quality of the schools is one of the reasons people buy homes in the area, Mermigas said.
David Millar, who voted with her at the Church of the Holy Nativity in Clarendon Hills, too thinks the passing the referendum is important.
"I'm originally from New Jersey," Millar said. "I saw firsthand what happens when schools don't get funded. They go down real fast. They wind up spiraling downward."
Some voters in Burr Ridge, however, were less convinced of the need for the improvements.
Martin Caveney said he voted nobecause he would rather the district spend the money on building a whole new school, specifically Hinsdale Central.
Cynthia Paintsil of Burr Ridge said she voted no on the referendum because she thinks there is a huge discrepancy between the two schools. She has one student attending Hinsdale South and two who already graduated.
"I think they can do better to bring the schools to the same par," Paintsil said. "With the money they are demanding, there are some things that are just not justified."
Before the votes came in, Law reached out to the community pledging officials would continue to work to support students regardless of the outcome.
"Regardless of the answer, it is in the best interest of the community to come together and we must seek ways to work together for all to succeed," he said.
Hinsdale High School District 86 officials expect deep cuts in activities, including football, wrestling swimming, cheerleaders and marching band, will be reversed Wednesday following apparent voter approval of a $140 million bond referendum.
With 90% of precincts reporting, unofficial results show about 61% of voters were in favor of the bond issue to fund school improvements.
"Our community values its schools and through this vote has said it wants its facilities to be sound in their infrastructure and as safe and secure as we can make them," said Superintendent Bruce Law.
The school board in December approved the cuts to many clubs and activities effective next school year.
As a result of the referendum passing, the school board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Hinsdale South cafeteria to begin reversing the cuts, made in order to pay for safety and security upgrades and infrastructure repairs. The bonds approved by voters will now fund the upgrades and repairs instead, officials said.
Those who have campaigned for the referendum celebrated Tuesday night.
"What we think made a huge difference is our push to get people to vote early before spring break," said Lana Johnson of Darien, a member of the Vote Yes Save our Schools campaign.
Kari Galassi, chairwoman of the yes campaign, said it took more work than she expected to persuade the majority of voters to support the referendum and "more work than it should have, because of the false information we were battling from the no campaign."
Galassi said she believes the Vote Yes Campaign was successful this time because "we had a much larger volunteer base. We were much more organized and knew where we had to concentrate our efforts and it paid off."
Earlier in the day, Pat and Bob Hurdle of Darien cast their votes in favor of the referendum, though their children were adults with children of their own.
"We always vote to support the schools," said Pat Hurdle. "I just think it's important for children to have the best they can."
Her husband thinks the benefits of the referendum are well worth the additional property taxes he would pay if the referendum passes. Bob Hurdle said he had heard that the cost per day would be about 75 cents, much less than the cost of a cup of coffee at Starbuck's.
District 86 officials estimate the referendum would cost the owner of a home valued at $500,000 an additional $283 a year in property taxes.
The Hurdles said while they lived in Downers Grove a referendum to improve the schools failed "many, many years ago," while their son was in Herrick Junior High School. As a result, the school district cut the band and sports programs for the two years their son was in junior high.
"Sometimes those are the things the child excels in," creative endeavors such as music and sports which can earn a student a college scholarship, Pat Hurdle said.
Christine Mermigas of Clarendon Hills said she specifically went to the polls because she wanted to vote yes on the referendum, even though she does not yet have children.
Investing in the schools is great for maintaining property values, besides the fact that will benefit current and future high school students, she said.
The quality of the schools is one of the reasons people buy homes in the area, Mermigas said.
David Millar, who voted with her at the Church of the Holy Nativity in Clarendon Hills, too thinks the passing the referendum is important.
"I'm originally from New Jersey," Millar said. "I saw firsthand what happens when schools don't get funded. They go down real fast. They wind up spiraling downward."
Some voters in Burr Ridge, however, were less convinced of the need for the improvements.
Martin Caveney said he voted nobecause he would rather the district spend the money on building a whole new school, specifically Hinsdale Central.
Cynthia Paintsil of Burr Ridge said she voted no on the referendum because she thinks there is a huge discrepancy between the two schools. She has one student attending Hinsdale South and two who already graduated.
"I think they can do better to bring the schools to the same par," Paintsil said. "With the money they are demanding, there are some things that are just not justified."
Before the votes came in, Law reached out to the community pledging officials would continue to work to support students regardless of the outcome.
"Regardless of the answer, it is in the best interest of the community to come together and we must seek ways to work together for all to succeed," he said.