Cheerleaders win state title - Powell Tribune

March 09, 2019 at 10:02PM

The Powell High School cheer team had great momentum going into Wednesday's 3A State Spirit Competition, and didn't disappoint: The Powell girls finished first out of 10 teams in the Game Day Cheer category and fifth in All-Girl Cheer category.

In addition, PHS cheer coach Vicki Walsh shared honors as the co-coach of the year in Class 3A.

In Game Day Cheer, the Lady Panthers scored 86.25 points to take the top spot, with Mountain View second with 84.45 and Lyman third with 83.45.

Powell scored 72.6 points to take fifth in All-Girl Cheer. Mountain View was first with 85.2 points, Cokeville second with 75.0, Rocky Mountain third with 74.7 and Cody finished fourth, scoring 73.55 points.

For the complete story, see Tuesday's edition of the Tribune.

Cheerleaders win state title - Powell Tribune

The Powell High School cheer team had great momentum going into Wednesday's 3A State Spirit Competition, and didn't disappoint: The Powell girls finished first out of 10 teams in the Game Day Cheer category and fifth in All-Girl Cheer category.

In addition, PHS cheer coach Vicki Walsh shared honors as the co-coach of the year in Class 3A.

In Game Day Cheer, the Lady Panthers scored 86.25 points to take the top spot, with Mountain View second with 84.45 and Lyman third with 83.45.

Powell scored 72.6 points to take fifth in All-Girl Cheer. Mountain View was first with 85.2 points, Cokeville second with 75.0, Rocky Mountain third with 74.7 and Cody finished fourth, scoring 73.55 points.

For the complete story, see Tuesday's edition of the Tribune.

Cheerleaders win state title - Powell Tribune


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