Tyngsboro cheerleading teams advance to New England championships - Lowell Sun

November 17, 2019 at 09:09AM

LOWELL — A quartet of squads from the Tyngsboro Youth Football and Cheerleading organization earned major honors at the Massachusetts State Championships on Nov. 2 at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium.

Three of Tyngsboro's teams qualified to advance to the 2019 AYC New England Regional Championships, to be held at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell on Saturday.

The U8 Tyngsboro cheerleaders won the Massachusetts AYC title for the second straight year. Advancing to New Englands for Tyngsboro are the U10 cheerleaders, who took second place at Massachusetts championship; the U12 cheerleaders, who won the Massachusetts title; and the U18 cheerleaders, who also brought home a state crown.

LOWELL — A quartet of squads from the Tyngsboro Youth Football and Cheerleading organization earned major honors at the Massachusetts State Championships on Nov. 2 at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium.

Three of Tyngsboro's teams qualified to advance to the 2019 AYC New England Regional Championships, to be held at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell on Saturday.

The U8 Tyngsboro cheerleaders won the Massachusetts AYC title for the second straight year. Advancing to New Englands for Tyngsboro are the U10 cheerleaders, who took second place at Massachusetts championship; the U12 cheerleaders, who won the Massachusetts title; and the U18 cheerleaders, who also brought home a state crown.


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