A business to cheer about - Sentinel-Tribune

November 10, 2019 at 03:19AM

Veteran coach trains tumbling classes

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Posted: Saturday, November 9, 2019 8:22 am

Often businesses are created to fill a need in a community. Such is the case with the TNT Cheer and Tumbling facility which opened in August in Bowling Green.Heather and Brian Houser opened the facility and worked with Phil Sanderson who serves as the primary instructor for them.

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More about Cheerleading

More about Cheering

* * Recognized parameters include: * * suggest-count: Number of articles to display. * suggest-function: Name of a function that gathers suggest parameters and returns it as an object. * Either suggest-function or suggest-count must be defined in order for recommendations to be returned. * suggest-categories: Category filter for recommended articles. Accepts multiple values. * suggest-domains: Domain filter for recommended articles. * Can be "true", "false", or a list of domains. Accepts multiple values. * suggest-date-start: Starting date for date filter. * suggest-date-end: Ending date for date filter. * suggest-panel-custom: Defines article metadata fields to be returned. Accepts multiple values. * suggest-sponsored-count: Number of sponsored articles to display. * * observe: Indicates that the article should be observed. Can be "true" or "false". * observe-function: Name of a function that gathers article metadata and returns it as an object. * Either observe-function or observe and content-id must be defined in order for articles to be observed. * observe-title: Title of the article. * observe-image: Article image URL. * observe-description: Article description. * observe-date: Article publish date. * observe-categories: Article categories. Accepts multiple values. * observe-sponsored: Indicates that the article is sponsored content. Can be "true" or "false". * * content-id: Content ID of the current article. * Content ID can also be provided through suggest-function or observe-function. * domain: Indicates the current site's domain name. * report-domain: Indicates the current site's reporting domain, for analytics. * alt-href: Page URL. * display-function: Name of a function that accepts "response" and "tags" parameters and generates recommendation HTML. * features: List of additional behaviours to be assigned to this instance. * Recognized features include "google-analytics", "gigya", and "infinite-scroll". Accepts multiple values. * priority: Priority of the recommendation element. Elements with a higher priority will process first. * Defaults to 0 if not set. */ /** * Represents a single Youneeq element. * * @class * @classdesc Processes recommendations and collects article metadata. * * @param {HTMLElement} box - HTML element that will be represented by this handler. */ function YouneeqHandler(box) { this.box = box; this.content_id = false; this.domain = window.location.hostname; this.report_domain = ''; this.alt_href = ''; this.content_type = 'article'; this.suggest = false; this.observe = false; this.features = []; this.is_loading = false; YouneeqHandler.instances.push( this.init_all_data().request(['first', 'observe']) ); } /** * Array of all youneeq box handlers present on the page. */ YouneeqHandler.instances = []; YouneeqHandler.generate = function() { var youneeq_boxes = jQuery('#youneeq, .youneeq').get().sort(function(a, b) { var prio_a = jQuery(a).attr('data-yq-priority'), prio_b = jQuery(b).attr('data-yq-priority'); prio_a = prio_a ? parseInt(prio_a) : 0; prio_b = prio_b ? parseInt(prio_b) : 0; if (prio_a > prio_b) { return 1; } else if (prio_a ' + (s.img ? '' : '') + '' + s.title + '' + (s.desc ? '

' + s.desc + '

' : '') + '

' ); } } }, /** * Call object initialization methods. * * @returns {YouneeqHandler} This object. */ init_all_data: function() { var args = this.get_args(); return this.init_request_data(args) .init_suggest_data(args) .init_observe_data(args) .init_method_overrides(args) .init_features(args) .init_handlers(args); }, /** * Get element arguments from data attributes. * * @returns {object} Arguments object. */ get_args: function() { var count = this.box.attributes.length, args = {}; for (var i = 0; i

Cloudy' + s.title + 'icon

Veteran coach trains tumbling classes

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Posted: Saturday, November 9, 2019 8:22 am

Often businesses are created to fill a need in a community. Such is the case with the TNT Cheer and Tumbling facility which opened in August in Bowling Green.Heather and Brian Houser opened the facility and worked with Phil Sanderson who serves as the primary instructor for them.

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kAm"%96C6 H2D 2?@E96C 8J> :? E@H? E92E 4=@D65[" w62E96C w@FD6C D2:5] "~FC 52F89E6C H2?E65 E@ 92G6 2 A=246 2?5 E96C6 ;FDE H2D?'E @?6 :? E@H?] $@ H6 DE2CE65 @?6]"k^Am

kAm%96J D6=64E65 E96 vC2?E $EC66E D:E6 AC:>2C:=J 3642FD6 @7 :ED 9:89 46:=:?8D E@ 2==@H 7@C E96 "DEF?E:?8" >@G6D :?G@=G65 7@C E96 F=E:>2E6 8@2= @7 56G6=@A:?8 2? 2==\DE2C 4966C DBF25]k^Am

kAm$2?56CD@? D2:5 96 92D 366? :?G@=G65 H:E9 EF>3=:?8 2?5 4966C=625:?8 7@C >@C6 E92? a_ J62CD[ :?4=F5:?8 9:D @H? 6IA6C:6?46 2D 2 4966C=6256C 367@C6 364@>:?8 2 4@249]k^Am

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kAm%96 8J> 4FCC6?E=J 9@DED 3@E9 E96 q@H=:?8 vC66? |:55=6 $49@@= 2?5 E96 ~ED68@ w:89 $49@@= 4966C DBF25D 2?5 2C6 @A6? E@ H6=4@>6 @E96C DBF25D]k^Am

kAm$2?56CD@? :D 2=D@ 2? 2DD:DE2?E 4@249 7@C E96 q@H=:?8 vC66? w:89 $49@@= DBF25] w6 92D 366? :?G@=G65 H:E9 E96 &?:G6CD2= r966C pDD@4:2E:@? 7@C `_ J62CD 2?5 92D H@C<65 H:E9 G2C:@FD 2== DE2C DBF25D 7@C 6:89E @C ?:?6 J62CD] w6 92D 2=D@ H@C<65 2E E96 ?2E:@?2= =6G6= 2E :ED &rp 6G6?ED]k^Am

kAm%}% @776CD G2C:@FD @AE:@?D :?4=F5:?8 2 >@?E9=J >6>36CD9:A 7@C S`ba H9:49 :?4=F56D F?=:>:E65 FD6j 2D H6== 2D 2 5:D4@F?E65 E9C66\>@?E9 >6>36CD9:A] ~FED:56 E96 >6>36CD9:AD[ E96C6 :D 2 S`a 766 @AE:@? A6C D6DD:@? 766 @C 5C@A :?D] ~E96C @AE:@?D 2C6 2=D@ 2G2:=23=6]k^Am

kAmu@C >@C6 :?7@C>2E:@? 42== c`h\dfd\f`hc]k^Am

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More about Cheerleading

More about Cheering

* * Recognized parameters include: * * suggest-count: Number of articles to display. * suggest-function: Name of a function that gathers suggest parameters and returns it as an object. * Either suggest-function or suggest-count must be defined in order for recommendations to be returned. * suggest-categories: Category filter for recommended articles. Accepts multiple values. * suggest-domains: Domain filter for recommended articles. * Can be "true", "false", or a list of domains. Accepts multiple values. * suggest-date-start: Starting date for date filter. * suggest-date-end: Ending date for date filter. * suggest-panel-custom: Defines article metadata fields to be returned. Accepts multiple values. * suggest-sponsored-count: Number of sponsored articles to display. * * observe: Indicates that the article should be observed. Can be "true" or "false". * observe-function: Name of a function that gathers article metadata and returns it as an object. * Either observe-function or observe and content-id must be defined in order for articles to be observed. * observe-title: Title of the article. * observe-image: Article image URL. * observe-description: Article description. * observe-date: Article publish date. * observe-categories: Article categories. Accepts multiple values. * observe-sponsored: Indicates that the article is sponsored content. Can be "true" or "false". * * content-id: Content ID of the current article. * Content ID can also be provided through suggest-function or observe-function. * domain: Indicates the current site's domain name. * report-domain: Indicates the current site's reporting domain, for analytics. * alt-href: Page URL. * display-function: Name of a function that accepts "response" and "tags" parameters and generates recommendation HTML. * features: List of additional behaviours to be assigned to this instance. * Recognized features include "google-analytics", "gigya", and "infinite-scroll". Accepts multiple values. * priority: Priority of the recommendation element. Elements with a higher priority will process first. * Defaults to 0 if not set. */ /** * Represents a single Youneeq element. * * @class * @classdesc Processes recommendations and collects article metadata. * * @param {HTMLElement} box - HTML element that will be represented by this handler. */ function YouneeqHandler(box) { this.box = box; this.content_id = false; this.domain = window.location.hostname; this.report_domain = ''; this.alt_href = ''; this.content_type = 'article'; this.suggest = false; this.observe = false; this.features = []; this.is_loading = false; YouneeqHandler.instances.push( this.init_all_data().request(['first', 'observe']) ); } /** * Array of all youneeq box handlers present on the page. */ YouneeqHandler.instances = []; YouneeqHandler.generate = function() { var youneeq_boxes = jQuery('#youneeq, .youneeq').get().sort(function(a, b) { var prio_a = jQuery(a).attr('data-yq-priority'), prio_b = jQuery(b).attr('data-yq-priority'); prio_a = prio_a ? parseInt(prio_a) : 0; prio_b = prio_b ? parseInt(prio_b) : 0; if (prio_a > prio_b) { return 1; } else if (prio_a ' + (s.img ? '' : '') + '' + s.title + '' + (s.desc ? '

' + s.desc + '

' : '') + '

' ); } } }, /** * Call object initialization methods. * * @returns {YouneeqHandler} This object. */ init_all_data: function() { var args = this.get_args(); return this.init_request_data(args) .init_suggest_data(args) .init_observe_data(args) .init_method_overrides(args) .init_features(args) .init_handlers(args); }, /** * Get element arguments from data attributes. * * @returns {object} Arguments object. */ get_args: function() { var count = this.box.attributes.length, args = {}; for (var i = 0; i

Cloudy' + s.title + 'icon
TNT Cheer


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