Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette

August 08, 2019 at 08:55PM

By Chris Gregory, Managing Editor

Trousdale County's youth football players and cheerleaders will be sporting new uniforms when they take the field this fall, thanks to hard work in fundraising and generous support from the community.

Players and cheerleaders displayed some of the new uniforms at the Victory Bridge on Saturday morning. The uniforms and other equipment cost around $12,000, according to Youth Football president Shane Sanders.

Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette

Chris Gregory / Hartsville Vidette
Youth football players and cheerleaders display some of their new uniforms.

"It's amazing how quickly the whole town, businesses, parents, everybody pulled together," Sanders said. "We knew we needed new jerseys and everybody really hustled and did their part."

Sanders credited former president Troy Calhoun for getting the ball rolling in fundraising.

"Those guys did a really good job in saving money and we started off with a good nest egg. That helped us a lot," Sanders said. "We're going to continue to make it grow and be bigger every year."

Sanders said youth coaches have already reached out to coaches at the middle and high school levels to implement some of the same offensive schemes. By doing so, when current youth players make it to high school they should already be very familiar with what will be asked of them.

"We want to be a farm system," Sanders said. "Little things now can make a big difference later."

The youth league has also received permission to play one night game at John Kerr Field, to give the children a taste of playing under the lights on the Creekbank. That night game is scheduled for Oct. 5 against Jackson County.

"The high school band will be there playing for these kids," Sanders said. "We're really going to promote it as a 'Friday Night Lights' deal and we want to get the town involved.

"See these kids that are going to be the stars of tomorrow."

Reach Chris Gregory at 615-374-3556 or

By Chris Gregory, Managing Editor

Trousdale County's youth football players and cheerleaders will be sporting new uniforms when they take the field this fall, thanks to hard work in fundraising and generous support from the community.

Players and cheerleaders displayed some of the new uniforms at the Victory Bridge on Saturday morning. The uniforms and other equipment cost around $12,000, according to Youth Football president Shane Sanders.

Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette

Chris Gregory / Hartsville Vidette
Youth football players and cheerleaders display some of their new uniforms.

"It's amazing how quickly the whole town, businesses, parents, everybody pulled together," Sanders said. "We knew we needed new jerseys and everybody really hustled and did their part."

Sanders credited former president Troy Calhoun for getting the ball rolling in fundraising.

"Those guys did a really good job in saving money and we started off with a good nest egg. That helped us a lot," Sanders said. "We're going to continue to make it grow and be bigger every year."

Sanders said youth coaches have already reached out to coaches at the middle and high school levels to implement some of the same offensive schemes. By doing so, when current youth players make it to high school they should already be very familiar with what will be asked of them.

"We want to be a farm system," Sanders said. "Little things now can make a big difference later."

The youth league has also received permission to play one night game at John Kerr Field, to give the children a taste of playing under the lights on the Creekbank. That night game is scheduled for Oct. 5 against Jackson County.

"The high school band will be there playing for these kids," Sanders said. "We're really going to promote it as a 'Friday Night Lights' deal and we want to get the town involved.

"See these kids that are going to be the stars of tomorrow."

Reach Chris Gregory at 615-374-3556 or

Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette
Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette
Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette
Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette
Youth football players, cheerleaders show off new uniforms - The Hartsville Vidette