Vote for Monmouth County's best high school cheerleading squad! - Asbury Park Press

August 29, 2019 at 04:33PM

CLOSEVote for Monmouth County's best high school cheerleading squad! - Asbury Park Press


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We're asking readers to vote in our online poll for Monmouth County's top high school cheerleading squad. Which one is your favorite?

Squads from the county are listed on the ballot, which can be found at the bottom of this story.  You may vote as many times as you'd like.

Our poll closes Friday, Sept. 6 at 10 p.m.

Granted, this not an easy choice for voters.

According to the Universal Cheerleading Association, per a story in, the combination of five elements, definitions of which we paraphrase below, make a successful game squad.

Vote for Monmouth County's best high school cheerleading squad! - Asbury Park Press

Manalapan cheerleaders cheer for the football team in a game against Middletown South in Manalapan on Sept. 14, 2018. (Photo: Jeff Granit/Correspondent)

Successful game squads are …

1. Crowd leaders who use signs, poms, megaphones and different skills to invoke crowds to support their team.

2. Spirit raisers who encourage their peers to attend games and work hard to maintain the crowd's energy level for an entire games.

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3. Ambassadors who promote their high school and set fine examples for other students while instilling school spirit.


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4. Athletes who display their strength, flexibility and athleticism while performing stunts and routines with gymnastic components of tumbling.

CLOSEVote for Monmouth County's best high school cheerleading squad! - Asbury Park Press

The top two teams in the Asbury Park Press Top 10 - Red Bank Catholic and Mater Dei - met with an NJSIAA overall Group state championship on the line at MetLife Stadium. Thomas P. Costello and Daniel LoGiudice, Asbury Park Press

5. Entertainers who find unique ways of engaging spectators, especially during time outs and breaks between quarters, at which time cheerleaders serve as a primary source of entertainment.

Vote for Monmouth County's best high school cheerleading squad! - Asbury Park PressBuy Photo

Go behind the scenes as the Red Zone Road Show travels to Jackson Memorial High School Monday October 15, 2018, as they get ready for their game against Brick High School. (Photo: Thomas P. Costello)

Which cheerleading game squad embodies all of the aforementioned elements?

Let us know, by voting in the poll below.

(If the poll doesn't immediately load, refresh the page. The poll will generally work better on laptops rather than smart phones.)

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Vote for Monmouth County's best high school cheerleading squad! - Asbury Park PressA behind the scenes look at the Red Zone Road Show taping at Red Bank Catholic High School Monday, October 1, 2018. The Caseys will face off against Long Branch in Friday night's Red Zone Game of the Week.Red Zone Road Show on September 17, 2018 before Toms River South vs Toms River East Football game.Asbury Park Press reporter Steve Falk (right) is shownPoint Pleasant Borough students get fired up for theThe 'Hitting Indians' of Toms River South were outCentral Regional high school students show their Middletown South High School students get excited overHowell Township High School students get excited overPoint Pleasant Borough students get excited duringJennifer Buccine, 17, Raritan varsity cheer captain,School spirit fills the William F. Manasquan High School student show their school spiritBehind the scenes of the Red Zone Road Show at MatawanRed Zone Road Show at Asbury Park Press High SchoolRed Bank Catholic and Rumson-Fair Haven football game at Rumon-Fair Haven High School in Rumson, NJ Friday, October 19, 2018.A behind the scenes look at the Red Zone Road Show taping at Red Bank Catholic High School Monday, October 1, 2018. The Caseys will face off against Long Branch in Friday night's Red Zone Game of the Week.Red Zone Road Show on September 17, 2018 before Toms River South vs Toms River East Football game.Asbury Park Press reporter Steve Falk (right) is shownPoint Pleasant Borough students get fired up for theThe 'Hitting Indians' of Toms River South were outCentral Regional high school students show their Middletown South High School students get excited overHowell Township High School students get excited overPoint Pleasant Borough students get excited duringJennifer Buccine, 17, Raritan varsity cheer captain,School spirit fills the William F. Manasquan High School student show their school spiritBehind the scenes of the Red Zone Road Show at MatawanRed Zone Road Show at Asbury Park Press High SchoolRed Bank Catholic and Rumson-Fair Haven football game at Rumon-Fair Haven High School in Rumson, NJ Friday, October 19, 2018.
Go behind the scenes as the Red Zone Road Show travels to Jackson Memorial High School Monday October 15, 2018, as they get ready for their game against Brick High School.Point Pleasant Beach High School shows their GarnetBrick Memorial students get fired up for the Red ZoneRed Bank Catholic students show their A Barnegat High School cheerleaders participates inSchool spirit fills the Pine Belt Arena at Toms RiverBehind the scenes of the Red Zone Road Show at PointScenes from halftime of the football game between Red Bank Catholic and Red Bank Regional at Red Bank Regional High School in Little Silver, NJ Friday, September 21, 2018.Behind the scenes during the Red Zone Road Show taping at Howell High School Monday, September 24, 2018. The Rebels will face the Manalapan Braves Friday night in the Red Zone Game of the Week.Freehold Borough High School Students get fired upThe Red Zone Road Show experiences the Saint John Vianney students get excited for the tapingBehind the scenes at the Red Zone Road Show at MiddletownShore Regional students show their school spirit duringBehind the scenes at the Red Zone Road Show at Central

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