July 12, 2019 at 03:32AM

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media on July 5, 2019 in Washington, DC. President Trump. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Getty ImagesIt's not just Facebook and Twitter that will be missing from the White House's social media summit on Thursday. Many of the most controversial conservative pundits—those who have actually been banned by the major social platforms—are also excluded from the event.
Representatives from the conservative social media website Gab, a blogging service created as an alternative to Twitter criticized for hosting neo-Nazis and white nationalists, were not invited; Ben Garrison, a political cartoonist whose cartoons have been described as "blatantly antisemitic" by the Anti-Defamation League, will also miss the meeting after being dis-invited by the White House earlier this week, according to Politico; and Laura Loomer, a prominent conservative activist who was banned from Twitter in November, said she was not invited to the event.
"It seems instead that the White House has invited 'safe' z-list MAGA celebrities and cheerleaders, the great majority of which have never experienced online censorship or no-platforming at any level," a Gab spokesperson said in an emailed statement.
The list of social media summit attendees,nonetheless, includes many people who believe they've experienced censorship by the major social media platforms for having conservative viewpoints. Altogether, the White House estimates about 130 people will attend the meeting, but has not released the official guest list.

White HouseAlleged censorship on social media has been furiously debated since the 2016 presidential election, when conservatives began accusing the major platforms of unfairly restricting their viewpoints. The debate continued to develop long after the 2016 election was finished, including a House hearing in April 2018. Although many of the political right's biggest personalities have accused Silicon Valley of having an inherent liberal bias, none have been able to prove systematic censorship or favoritism.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter have continuously denied repeated charges of political censorship. But the murky process through which these companies make decisions on what's allowed and not allowed on their platforms has left the door open for cries of censorship.
Those who have confirmed they will be in attendance include James O'Keefe, the founder of right-wing activist publication Project Veritas; Bill Mitchell, a popular radio host who frequently promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory; and prominent Twitter user @CarpeDonktum, a stay-at-home dad from Kansas who was recently suspended by Twitter for eight days after posting a video depicting Donald Trump as a cowboy physically assaulting CNN journalist Jim Acosta (He declined to reveal his real name to Forbes for fear of harassment against his family).
More traditional conservative organizations such as The Heritage Foundation will also attend. "For a number of years now, we've hosted similar summits," vice president of communications at the Heritage Foundation Robert Bluey said by phone. "We naturally wanted to be part of this conversation since we've held many of these summits ourselves.."
What it means to contribute to the event remains unclear ahead of the meeting. None of the attendees who spoke to Forbes knew what would be discussed or what would take place at the meeting, and all of them said that they have not received an agenda for the meeting. "I almost deleted the invite because I didn't think it was real," the creator of the @CarpeDonktum account said.
"Hopefully we get to talk and build up a network of other people that have experienced the same type of censorship that I have," he said in a phone interview. "From there, [I hope we can] just build a strategy for the future of how we can make things better for everybody. Not just for conservatives but for everyone."
One thing he doesn't plan to advocate: a Trump fix. "There will be people pushing for the government to be more active. We don't think so. These are private companies, and we don't think they should be regulated or subjected antitrust."
This unique mix of legacy organizations and social media influencers makes for a confounding grab bag of conservative voices and perspectives. In many ways , this is a hallmark of the Trump Administration. His communication style has been perfectly suited for Twitter, with short, snippy posts at furious intervals — often dismissing reality for the sake of getting a good laugh or retweet. Trump and his cadre of meme-creators are the true masters social media in 2019, and the social media summit, for better or worse, seeks to cement this as a fact.

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media on July 5, 2019 in Washington, DC. President Trump. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Getty ImagesIt's not just Facebook and Twitter that will be missing from the White House's social media summit on Thursday. Many of the most controversial conservative pundits—those who have actually been banned by the major social platforms—are also excluded from the event.
Representatives from the conservative social media website Gab, a blogging service created as an alternative to Twitter criticized for hosting neo-Nazis and white nationalists, were not invited; Ben Garrison, a political cartoonist whose cartoons have been described as "blatantly antisemitic" by the Anti-Defamation League, will also miss the meeting after being dis-invited by the White House earlier this week, according to Politico; and Laura Loomer, a prominent conservative activist who was banned from Twitter in November, said she was not invited to the event.
"It seems instead that the White House has invited 'safe' z-list MAGA celebrities and cheerleaders, the great majority of which have never experienced online censorship or no-platforming at any level," a Gab spokesperson said in an emailed statement.
The list of social media summit attendees,nonetheless, includes many people who believe they've experienced censorship by the major social media platforms for having conservative viewpoints. Altogether, the White House estimates about 130 people will attend the meeting, but has not released the official guest list.

White HouseAlleged censorship on social media has been furiously debated since the 2016 presidential election, when conservatives began accusing the major platforms of unfairly restricting their viewpoints. The debate continued to develop long after the 2016 election was finished, including a House hearing in April 2018. Although many of the political right's biggest personalities have accused Silicon Valley of having an inherent liberal bias, none have been able to prove systematic censorship or favoritism.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter have continuously denied repeated charges of political censorship. But the murky process through which these companies make decisions on what's allowed and not allowed on their platforms has left the door open for cries of censorship.
Those who have confirmed they will be in attendance include James O'Keefe, the founder of right-wing activist publication Project Veritas; Bill Mitchell, a popular radio host who frequently promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory; and prominent Twitter user @CarpeDonktum, a stay-at-home dad from Kansas who was recently suspended by Twitter for eight days after posting a video depicting Donald Trump as a cowboy physically assaulting CNN journalist Jim Acosta (He declined to reveal his real name to Forbes for fear of harassment against his family).
More traditional conservative organizations such as The Heritage Foundation will also attend. "For a number of years now, we've hosted similar summits," vice president of communications at the Heritage Foundation Robert Bluey said by phone. "We naturally wanted to be part of this conversation since we've held many of these summits ourselves.."
What it means to contribute to the event remains unclear ahead of the meeting. None of the attendees who spoke to Forbes knew what would be discussed or what would take place at the meeting, and all of them said that they have not received an agenda for the meeting. "I almost deleted the invite because I didn't think it was real," the creator of the @CarpeDonktum account said.
"Hopefully we get to talk and build up a network of other people that have experienced the same type of censorship that I have," he said in a phone interview. "From there, [I hope we can] just build a strategy for the future of how we can make things better for everybody. Not just for conservatives but for everyone."
One thing he doesn't plan to advocate: a Trump fix. "There will be people pushing for the government to be more active. We don't think so. These are private companies, and we don't think they should be regulated or subjected antitrust."
This unique mix of legacy organizations and social media influencers makes for a confounding grab bag of conservative voices and perspectives. In many ways , this is a hallmark of the Trump Administration. His communication style has been perfectly suited for Twitter, with short, snippy posts at furious intervals — often dismissing reality for the sake of getting a good laugh or retweet. Trump and his cadre of meme-creators are the true masters social media in 2019, and the social media summit, for better or worse, seeks to cement this as a fact.