June 18, 2019 at 04:35PM
Well, at least Kathryn Dunn is honest. This Big Brother 21 Houseguest is new to the game in all ways and doesn't even try to bluff her way through having a favorite former HG. She's got a past of having tried out for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders and is looking to right her mistakes made there. Watch for Kathryn to coast for as long as possible on BB21.
Age: 29
Hometown: Irving, Texas
Current City: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Digital Marketing Executive
Gallery: Click thumbnails to see full-size view >>
Three adjectives that describe you: Reliable, hardworking and fun!
Favorite Activities: Since I work/live/breathe marketing, most of my hobbies are related to social media and Instagram. I love creating content and producing photo shoots for my friends and me! I also love shopping and being outdoors on a pretty day.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: If I don't have my phone on me at all times I start salivating at the mouth and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I'm not gonna lie, since I don't watch TV I'm not very seasoned on Big Brother history so instead of BSing you and listing some fake reasons of why some random houseguest is my favorite, I'll list some reasons that a future applicant would pick me as their favorite: I'm funny and reference memes a lot, I'm loyal to those who are loyal to me, I'm nice but low-key savage, I'm smart and calculating so I'll always have reasons to back up my decisions.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game: So looking back on when I was in training camp for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, I realize that my approach was all wrong. I was looking at me/in your face because I wanted to stand out, but because of that, I was the first one gone. I think in a competitive setting like this, it's important to stay under the radar for as long as you can, and only arise when it counts. I'll be friendly and pleasant to everybody so nobody will have a reason not to like me, and I'll work/strategize behind the scenes so they don't even see me as a threat. Stay woke, my friends.
My life's motto is: "Happiness is the same price as red bottoms."
What would you take into the house and why:
- My phone and a hotspot. That's all I need.
Fun facts about yourself:
- I've won a poker tournament (and don't even know how to play poker).
- I've been tweeted by Kim Kardashian.
- I have my student pilot license and have flown over the Hawaiian islands twice.
- I won a dance competition in Bogota, Colombia.
- I've been scuba diving with sharks… not on purpose.

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Well, at least Kathryn Dunn is honest. This Big Brother 21 Houseguest is new to the game in all ways and doesn't even try to bluff her way through having a favorite former HG. She's got a past of having tried out for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders and is looking to right her mistakes made there. Watch for Kathryn to coast for as long as possible on BB21.
Age: 29
Hometown: Irving, Texas
Current City: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Digital Marketing Executive
Gallery: Click thumbnails to see full-size view >>
Three adjectives that describe you: Reliable, hardworking and fun!
Favorite Activities: Since I work/live/breathe marketing, most of my hobbies are related to social media and Instagram. I love creating content and producing photo shoots for my friends and me! I also love shopping and being outdoors on a pretty day.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: If I don't have my phone on me at all times I start salivating at the mouth and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I'm not gonna lie, since I don't watch TV I'm not very seasoned on Big Brother history so instead of BSing you and listing some fake reasons of why some random houseguest is my favorite, I'll list some reasons that a future applicant would pick me as their favorite: I'm funny and reference memes a lot, I'm loyal to those who are loyal to me, I'm nice but low-key savage, I'm smart and calculating so I'll always have reasons to back up my decisions.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game: So looking back on when I was in training camp for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, I realize that my approach was all wrong. I was looking at me/in your face because I wanted to stand out, but because of that, I was the first one gone. I think in a competitive setting like this, it's important to stay under the radar for as long as you can, and only arise when it counts. I'll be friendly and pleasant to everybody so nobody will have a reason not to like me, and I'll work/strategize behind the scenes so they don't even see me as a threat. Stay woke, my friends.
My life's motto is: "Happiness is the same price as red bottoms."
What would you take into the house and why:
- My phone and a hotspot. That's all I need.
Fun facts about yourself:
- I've won a poker tournament (and don't even know how to play poker).
- I've been tweeted by Kim Kardashian.
- I have my student pilot license and have flown over the Hawaiian islands twice.
- I won a dance competition in Bogota, Colombia.
- I've been scuba diving with sharks… not on purpose.