'Counting On': All The Signs John David Duggar And Abbie Grace Burnett Are Expecting - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

June 24, 2019 at 01:04AM

There are currently four Duggar siblings who are expecting a baby with their respective spouses, one Duggar who just gave birth, and one Duggar cousin who is pregnant. But, thanks to a recent post from Jessa Duggar, many Counting On fans believe there is at least one more Duggar pregnancy fans don't yet know about. Could John David Duggar and Abbie Grace Burnett be ready to announce baby number one?

John David Duggar and Abbie BurnettJohn David Duggar and Abbie BurnettJohn David Duggar and Abbie Grace Burnett | via Instagram

Everyone's due in the fall

Jessa Duggar was the first member of the family this year to announce a pregnancy, and on May 26th she and her husband, Ben Seewald, welcomed their third child – a daughter they named Ivy Jane Seewald.

In April, Joseph Duggar and his wife, Kendra Caldwell, announced they were expecting baby number two, and Josh and Anna Duggar told fans that baby number six was on the way. Just one month later, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsythe revealed they were also expecting their second child, and Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson announced they were pregnant after suffering a miscarriage last October.

In the middle of all those announcements, cousin Amy Duggar also revealed that she and her husband, Dillon King, were pregnant with baby number one. And, everyone in the family who is pregnant revealed that they are due this fall.

Jessa Duggar's tribute to her grandmother

Jessa gave birth to Ivy Jane on Grandma Mary's birthday. But, just days after Jim Bob's mom met her newest great-grandchild, she tragically passed away at her home due to an accidental drowning. After her grandmother's funeral, the Counting On posted a lengthy tribute to Grandma Mary on Instagram, writing that she was the family's "biggest cheerleader" who made everyone feel special and loved.

But there was one particular detail that Jessa wrote that really had fans talking.

It didn't matter who you were, she was "Grandma" to you. That's most often how she would introduce herself. "Hi, I'm Grandma!" Everybody called her Grandma. She took a genuine interest in people. She would converse with you in a way that made you feel special and loved and cared about. She had a knack for remembering details, and the next time she saw you, she would inquire about things told to her in past conversations. She was so excited about the many new great-grandbabies due this coming fall and winter, and it never got old for her. She welcomed each new baby with joy and would hold them with such tenderness and delight. We will keep her stories and memories alive for these little ones, but we're sad that they will not have the blessing of knowing her in person as we have. She was always available. When we kids were young, she would often babysit so Mom and Dad could go out on a date. If Mom needed something from the grocery store, she was happy to pick it up. She always had time for a conversation with the teenager and never passed over the toddlers either. Each one of us was made to feel valued and loved by Grandma. She was our biggest cheerleader, coming to every music recital, birthday party, and graduation celebration— and with 21 grandkids and 13 great-grandkids, that was quite a feat! She was an exhorter. If we ever doubted our gifts or abilities, Grandma was there to spur us on. She'd pull the classic "grandma move" and have us putting on impromptu talent shows for complete strangers. "Why don't you get up here and perform that song you've been working on?" "Aww, Grandma, really? Do I have to?" We'd say, glancing at mom, but we knew Mom would back her every time. We'd reluctantly get up and do a number, and it didn't matter how terrible we thought we sounded, Grandma would beam with pride and start the applause. She believed in our gifts and abilities more than we did at times, and she spurred us on to do our best and to give God the glory for all our talents and achievements. Click :LINK IN BIO: or swipe left to read the rest of the tribute to Grandma Duggar ❤️—

A post shared by Jessa Seewald (@jessaseewald) on Jun 11, 2019 at 7:56am PDT

"She was so excited about the many new great-grandbabies due this coming fall and winter, and it never got old for her," wrote Jessa. "We will keep her stories and memories alive for these little ones, but we're sad that they will not have the blessing of knowing her in person as we have."

Why would Jessa Duggar write about babies due in the fall and winter?

Who is due this winter?

Counting On fans are very familiar with all of the Duggar baby announcements, and they immediately started talking about who in the family is expecting a baby this winter. The latest due date we know about is November, so someone must be due after that. Fans immediately suspected that John David Duggar and Abbie Grace Burnett would be announcing a pregnancy soon.

John David and Abbie Grace tied the knot last November, and the Duggars are famous for pregnancy announcements during the first year of marriage. Some fans have also noticed that the newlyweds haven't been posting on social media lately, and they believe that is another hint that the couple has something going on that they haven't told fans about.

Jill Duggar is another possibility

While John David and Abbie Grace seem to be the most likely candidates, there is also the possibility that it could be Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard who are expecting again. The former Counting On stars are already parents of two boys – Israel and Samuel. But their youngest will turn two this summer, and that is a long gap between pregnancies in Duggar world.

The only other candidate is Jinger Duggar. But, considering she is moving to Los Angeles this summer with her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, and their 11-month old daughter, Felicity, it doesn't seem likely that she would be expecting another baby.

The evidence points to John David and Abbie Grace, but fans will just have to wait and see if they are right.

New episodes of Counting On will return to TLC later this year.

There are currently four Duggar siblings who are expecting a baby with their respective spouses, one Duggar who just gave birth, and one Duggar cousin who is pregnant. But, thanks to a recent post from Jessa Duggar, many Counting On fans believe there is at least one more Duggar pregnancy fans don't yet know about. Could John David Duggar and Abbie Grace Burnett be ready to announce baby number one?

John David Duggar and Abbie BurnettJohn David Duggar and Abbie BurnettJohn David Duggar and Abbie Grace Burnett | via Instagram

Everyone's due in the fall

Jessa Duggar was the first member of the family this year to announce a pregnancy, and on May 26th she and her husband, Ben Seewald, welcomed their third child – a daughter they named Ivy Jane Seewald.

In April, Joseph Duggar and his wife, Kendra Caldwell, announced they were expecting baby number two, and Josh and Anna Duggar told fans that baby number six was on the way. Just one month later, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsythe revealed they were also expecting their second child, and Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson announced they were pregnant after suffering a miscarriage last October.

In the middle of all those announcements, cousin Amy Duggar also revealed that she and her husband, Dillon King, were pregnant with baby number one. And, everyone in the family who is pregnant revealed that they are due this fall.

Jessa Duggar's tribute to her grandmother

Jessa gave birth to Ivy Jane on Grandma Mary's birthday. But, just days after Jim Bob's mom met her newest great-grandchild, she tragically passed away at her home due to an accidental drowning. After her grandmother's funeral, the Counting On posted a lengthy tribute to Grandma Mary on Instagram, writing that she was the family's "biggest cheerleader" who made everyone feel special and loved.

But there was one particular detail that Jessa wrote that really had fans talking.

It didn't matter who you were, she was "Grandma" to you. That's most often how she would introduce herself. "Hi, I'm Grandma!" Everybody called her Grandma. She took a genuine interest in people. She would converse with you in a way that made you feel special and loved and cared about. She had a knack for remembering details, and the next time she saw you, she would inquire about things told to her in past conversations. She was so excited about the many new great-grandbabies due this coming fall and winter, and it never got old for her. She welcomed each new baby with joy and would hold them with such tenderness and delight. We will keep her stories and memories alive for these little ones, but we're sad that they will not have the blessing of knowing her in person as we have. She was always available. When we kids were young, she would often babysit so Mom and Dad could go out on a date. If Mom needed something from the grocery store, she was happy to pick it up. She always had time for a conversation with the teenager and never passed over the toddlers either. Each one of us was made to feel valued and loved by Grandma. She was our biggest cheerleader, coming to every music recital, birthday party, and graduation celebration— and with 21 grandkids and 13 great-grandkids, that was quite a feat! She was an exhorter. If we ever doubted our gifts or abilities, Grandma was there to spur us on. She'd pull the classic "grandma move" and have us putting on impromptu talent shows for complete strangers. "Why don't you get up here and perform that song you've been working on?" "Aww, Grandma, really? Do I have to?" We'd say, glancing at mom, but we knew Mom would back her every time. We'd reluctantly get up and do a number, and it didn't matter how terrible we thought we sounded, Grandma would beam with pride and start the applause. She believed in our gifts and abilities more than we did at times, and she spurred us on to do our best and to give God the glory for all our talents and achievements. Click :LINK IN BIO: or swipe left to read the rest of the tribute to Grandma Duggar ❤️—

A post shared by Jessa Seewald (@jessaseewald) on Jun 11, 2019 at 7:56am PDT

"She was so excited about the many new great-grandbabies due this coming fall and winter, and it never got old for her," wrote Jessa. "We will keep her stories and memories alive for these little ones, but we're sad that they will not have the blessing of knowing her in person as we have."

Why would Jessa Duggar write about babies due in the fall and winter?

Who is due this winter?

Counting On fans are very familiar with all of the Duggar baby announcements, and they immediately started talking about who in the family is expecting a baby this winter. The latest due date we know about is November, so someone must be due after that. Fans immediately suspected that John David Duggar and Abbie Grace Burnett would be announcing a pregnancy soon.

John David and Abbie Grace tied the knot last November, and the Duggars are famous for pregnancy announcements during the first year of marriage. Some fans have also noticed that the newlyweds haven't been posting on social media lately, and they believe that is another hint that the couple has something going on that they haven't told fans about.

Jill Duggar is another possibility

While John David and Abbie Grace seem to be the most likely candidates, there is also the possibility that it could be Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard who are expecting again. The former Counting On stars are already parents of two boys – Israel and Samuel. But their youngest will turn two this summer, and that is a long gap between pregnancies in Duggar world.

The only other candidate is Jinger Duggar. But, considering she is moving to Los Angeles this summer with her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, and their 11-month old daughter, Felicity, it doesn't seem likely that she would be expecting another baby.

The evidence points to John David and Abbie Grace, but fans will just have to wait and see if they are right.

New episodes of Counting On will return to TLC later this year.


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