Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun

June 23, 2019 at 03:27PM

DRESSING in retro gym gear and neon hi-vis is how these women are celebrating the end of uni.

Students from Leeds University took part in the notorious Otley Run - an annual fancy dress-themed pub crawl at the of term.

These women channelled the '80s as they took to the streets in their gym gearCredit: nb press ltd Hard hats, goggles and hi-vis were the fancy dress costume of choice for these womenCredit: nb press ltd This woman is determined to give her police pal a piggy-back ride during the annual Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd

From men dressing in pink cheerleader costumes to a pair of superheros looking worse for wear, these students made the most out of their celebration.

This yearly boozed-up event became infamous when rugby star Danny Cipriani got knocked over by a bus on the pub crawl six years ago.

A group of cheerleaders strut down the road during the annual Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd A bride touches up Batman's face with one hand and has a drink in the otherCredit: nb press ltd This pack of Dalmatians appear to be thirstyCredit: nb press ltd Leeds uni students celebrate the end of the term in a fancy dress pub crawlCredit: nb press ltd It looks like Cher Horowitz from Clueless joined the pub crawl as she stands next to man dressed as a beer bottleCredit: nb press ltd A whoopie cushion, a Pink Lady and a good pal appear to be helping Daphne from Scooby Doo before continuing on the pub crawlCredit: nb press ltd Marry Poppins escorting a man dressed as Alan from The Hangover and a rather young woman dressed as Vicky Pollard down the roadCredit: nb press ltd Pals help this Leeds uni student with his new set of wheelsCredit: nb press ltd The uni student takes to the streets in a shopping cartCredit: nb press ltd The student's dreams are dashed as the cart tips overCredit: nb press ltd He still appears to be in good spirits after getting out of the shopping cartCredit: nb press ltd This Spider-Man looks worse for wear after the Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd A man dressed in football gear shows off his athleticism by attempting pull ups at the bus stopCredit: nb press ltd Another lad in a football top appears to be taking a rest before continuing on the Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd The gangs of New York seem to have made it to the streets of LeedsCredit: nb press ltd Two women dressed as police officers escorts two women in their stripesCredit: nb press ltd These cheerleaders form an impressive pyramid formationCredit: nb press ltd Two women dressed in neon take a selfie outside a pubCredit: nb press ltd Superheros make their way to next pub while during the annual Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd One student takes a tumble in the grassCredit: nb press ltd A pal helps this woman carry on during the pub crawl by giving her piggy-back rideCredit: nb press ltd
These women channelled the '80s as they took to the streets in their gym gear
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
A group of cheerleaders strut down the road during the annual Otley Run
A bride touches up Batman's face with one hand and has a drink in the other
This pack of Dalmatians appear to be thirsty
Leeds uni students celebrate the end of the term in a fancy dress pub crawl
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Pals help this Leeds uni student with his new set of wheels
The uni student takes to the streets in a shopping cart
The student's dreams are dashed as the cart tips over
He still appears to be in good spirits after getting out of the shopping cart
This Spider-Man looks worse for wear after the Otley Run
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
The gangs of New York seem to have made it to the streets of Leeds
Two women dressed as police officers escorts two women in their stripes
These cheerleaders form an impressive pyramid formation
Two women dressed in neon take a selfie outside a pub
Superheros make their way to next pub while during the annual Otley Run
One student takes a tumble in the grass
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
A couple of lads in football tops chat on the street

DRESSING in retro gym gear and neon hi-vis is how these women are celebrating the end of uni.

Students from Leeds University took part in the notorious Otley Run - an annual fancy dress-themed pub crawl at the of term.

These women channelled the '80s as they took to the streets in their gym gearCredit: nb press ltd Hard hats, goggles and hi-vis were the fancy dress costume of choice for these womenCredit: nb press ltd This woman is determined to give her police pal a piggy-back ride during the annual Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd

From men dressing in pink cheerleader costumes to a pair of superheros looking worse for wear, these students made the most out of their celebration.

This yearly boozed-up event became infamous when rugby star Danny Cipriani got knocked over by a bus on the pub crawl six years ago.

A group of cheerleaders strut down the road during the annual Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd A bride touches up Batman's face with one hand and has a drink in the otherCredit: nb press ltd This pack of Dalmatians appear to be thirstyCredit: nb press ltd Leeds uni students celebrate the end of the term in a fancy dress pub crawlCredit: nb press ltd It looks like Cher Horowitz from Clueless joined the pub crawl as she stands next to man dressed as a beer bottleCredit: nb press ltd A whoopie cushion, a Pink Lady and a good pal appear to be helping Daphne from Scooby Doo before continuing on the pub crawlCredit: nb press ltd Marry Poppins escorting a man dressed as Alan from The Hangover and a rather young woman dressed as Vicky Pollard down the roadCredit: nb press ltd Pals help this Leeds uni student with his new set of wheelsCredit: nb press ltd The uni student takes to the streets in a shopping cartCredit: nb press ltd The student's dreams are dashed as the cart tips overCredit: nb press ltd He still appears to be in good spirits after getting out of the shopping cartCredit: nb press ltd This Spider-Man looks worse for wear after the Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd A man dressed in football gear shows off his athleticism by attempting pull ups at the bus stopCredit: nb press ltd Another lad in a football top appears to be taking a rest before continuing on the Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd The gangs of New York seem to have made it to the streets of LeedsCredit: nb press ltd Two women dressed as police officers escorts two women in their stripesCredit: nb press ltd These cheerleaders form an impressive pyramid formationCredit: nb press ltd Two women dressed in neon take a selfie outside a pubCredit: nb press ltd Superheros make their way to next pub while during the annual Otley RunCredit: nb press ltd One student takes a tumble in the grassCredit: nb press ltd A pal helps this woman carry on during the pub crawl by giving her piggy-back rideCredit: nb press ltd
These women channelled the '80s as they took to the streets in their gym gear
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
A group of cheerleaders strut down the road during the annual Otley Run
A bride touches up Batman's face with one hand and has a drink in the other
This pack of Dalmatians appear to be thirsty
Leeds uni students celebrate the end of the term in a fancy dress pub crawl
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Pals help this Leeds uni student with his new set of wheels
The uni student takes to the streets in a shopping cart
The student's dreams are dashed as the cart tips over
He still appears to be in good spirits after getting out of the shopping cart
This Spider-Man looks worse for wear after the Otley Run
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
The gangs of New York seem to have made it to the streets of Leeds
Two women dressed as police officers escorts two women in their stripes
These cheerleaders form an impressive pyramid formation
Two women dressed in neon take a selfie outside a pub
Superheros make their way to next pub while during the annual Otley Run
One student takes a tumble in the grass
Boozed-up students celebrate end of uni with raucous fancy dress pub crawl - The Sun
A couple of lads in football tops chat on the street


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