Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso News

April 26, 2019 at 07:13AM

Pamela L. Bonner, Ruidoso News Published 3:36 p.m. MT April 25, 2019


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Ruidoso Middle School (RMS) was surprised with an unusual pep rally ahead of implementation of the New Mexico public schools' common core standards testing.

Gov. Michelle Lujan-Grisham recently removed PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) testing as the common assessment of New Mexico public school students.

However, staff at RMS decided to proceed with testing in order to encourage students to continue to meet and exceed academic excellence. The state assessment spans over a three-week period.

The assembly was organized to help boost the morale and confidence of the student body.

"Use the same determination and effort that you do for your video games and try and get as many points as possible. You got this. Rock the test"

Dr. Bickert

The faculty at RMS started off the school day with a "surprise testing kick off" assembly. Months of preparation along with some sneaky planning was organized to relieve some of the tension students may experience.

"While it's completely normal to feel a bit nervous before a test, some students find test anxiety debilitating. Racing thoughts, inability to concentrate, or feelings of dread can combine with physical symptoms like a fast heartbeat, headache, or nausea," according the Princeton Review.

The assembly was filled with antics and some clowning around by staff, Police Chief Darren Hooker and family members, to encourage students during the next two weeks of testing.

Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso News

Dr. Bickert speaks to staff, parents and students at an assemble to encourage the students to do their best during the next two weeks of testing. (Photo: Courtesy/Ruidoso Middle School)

Creative posters were placed throughout the school the night before. Ruidoso High School student council members showed support for the students by placing inspirational quotes with chalk along the sidewalk as well.

"We are such a small community and we should all support each other. I am proud that the RHS student council will jump in and support students in other buildings," former RHS student council president, Daniella Rodriguez said.

As students entered the building, they were shuffled to a seating area. Cecily Hooker, principal of RMS, started the testing kick off by greeting the students and parents, stating that "the staff supports the students and the efforts and how proud everyone at the school is of each individual student."

Superintendent of the Ruidoso Municipal School District, Dr. George Bickert spoke to the student body about how proud each student should be of themselves.

"We believe that it is important to encourage our students, even in silly ways like this, because although this test is important, students are what matters most. They need to feel confident and appreciated. We want to thank the parents and community members that took the time to support our staff and students," Cecily Hooker said.

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"Use the same determination and effort that you do for your video games and try and get as many points as possible. You got this. Rock the test," Bickert said.

As the assembly moved forward with the help of some "special cheerleaders" (Ruidoso police chief, school board members and staff dressed as cheerleaders) the students were cheered on as they face two weeks of testing.

Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso News

"Go-Team- Ruidoso-Go" as assistant superintendent Jason Edmister performers his cheer rendition to the Warrior fight song. (Photo: Courtesy/Ruidoso Middle School)

 Assistant Superintendent, Jason Edmister, was first to say "yes" to wearing a cheerleader's skirt. 

More: Ruidoso Municipal Schools are on the rise

More: New Mexico has more Effective Teachers than ever before

"Getting our young people pumped up and ready for testing is the least that I can do. It has nothing to do with me wanting to be a cheerleader or wear skirts," Darren Hooker said.

However, he was not the only one to agree to a live performance of "Rah, Rah, Sis- Boom-Bah."

More: Lock Down Buckets distributed to 140 classrooms

Board members Luther Light (president) and Marc Beatty, assistant principal Mike Speck, Police Chief Darren Hooker, Brenda Garcia (RMS secretary) dressed as cheerleaders as their jazz hands waved to the crowd.

Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso News

"Is it my gun belt too big, or is this skirt too small for me?" Chief Hooker prepares for an assembly to encourage students to do well on test day. (Photo: Courtesy/Ruidoso Middle School)

Parents Jennifer Friberg, Stephanie Kennedy, Aimee Vasquez, and Raul Cavaller dressed as inflatable T-rexs dancing about.

"For me it is about community service. I love being more than just the police chief, I have always been someone that wants to show that I am just like everyone else, common," Hooker said.

More: A request of $558,000 made to expand Pre-K classes

Cheers of encouragement were heard as students were given the red-carpet treatment and lined up to make their way to each grade level hallway.

"We don't want our students to stress about the state testing. We always preach testing days are the best days because they get to show us what they know," said assistant superintendent Jason Edmister.

For more information about the Ruidoso school district, testing, or programs offered visit

Pamela L. Bonner can be reached at 575-202-5555, or at 575-257-4001 ext. 4102.



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Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso NewsPosters filled the wall sat RMS placed by the student body of RHS to encourage students to do their best and to remain positive.Team Ruidoso at a RMS pep rally. The assembly was organized to encourage the students during a two week testing.Dr. Bickert speaks to staff, parents and students at an assemble to encourage the students to do their best during the next two weeks of testing.Team T-Rex practices cheers as the prepare for the pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle as the student body gears up for two weeks of testing.Assistant principal coach Speck double checks his pom-poms, as he awaits in the wings, making sure things are in order.The 'T' in T-rex stands for go team Ruidos Middle School. The Dinos cheered on the students as they began testing on Tuesday, April 23.Ruidoso Police Chief Darren Hooker and school board president Luther Light get their pom-poms ready to cheer on the student body at RMS prior to PARCC testing.Police Chief Hooker and cheer team squad leader shows off his cheer skills at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly. Who knew he is a man with so many hidden talents?And a one, and a two...Cheer Squad Chief Hooker, school board president Luther Light (left) shake their pom-poms during a high kicking routine to encourage students during an a pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle school. It appears that T-Rex is not only photo bombing the two, but seems to be getting a kick out of their routine."Go-Team- Ruidoso-Go" as assistant superintendent Jason Edmister performers his cheer rendition to the Warrior fight song.Chief Hooker and RMS principal Cecily Hooker take time out to pose at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly.Positive posters were made and placed throughout Ruidoso Middle School by Ruidoso High School student body. The posters were designed to encourage students to do their best during the next two weeks of testng.Posters hung by the student body of RHS were placed to encourage the students at RMS to do their best during the next two weeks of testing.Words of encouragement were paced throughout RMS during testing week. The posters were made by the student body of RHS.Cheer squad 2019 for Ruidoso Middle School testing encouragement a PARCC pep assembly. "Give me an "R", give me a "U", give me an "I", give me a "D", give me an "O", give me a "S", give me another "O".....goooooo Ruidoso Middle School.The "red carpet" that led the students to testing. The rally was held to encourage the students to always do their best and relieve some of the anxiety they may have felt before testing began."Is it my gun belt too big, or is this skirt too small for me?" Chief Hooker prepares for an assembly to encourage students to do well on test day.
And a one, and a two...Cheer Squad Chief Hooker, school board president Luther Light (left) shake their pom-poms during a high kicking routine to encourage students during an a pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle school. It appears that T-Rex is not only photo bombing the two, but seems to be getting a kick out of their routine.Chief Hooker and RMS principal Cecily Hooker take time out to pose at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly.Posters hung by the student body of RHS were placed to encourage the students at RMS to do their best during the next two weeks of testing.Cheer squad 2019 for Ruidoso Middle School testing encouragement a PARCC pep assembly. "Give me an "R", give me a "U", give me an "I", give me a "D", give me an "O", give me a "S", give me another "O".....goooooo Ruidoso Middle School."Is it my gun belt too big, or is this skirt too small for me?" Chief Hooker prepares for an assembly to encourage students to do well on test day.Team Ruidoso at a RMS pep rally. The assembly was organized to encourage the students during a two week testing.Team T-Rex practices cheers as the prepare for the pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle as the student body gears up for two weeks of testing.The 'T' in T-rex stands for go team Ruidos Middle School. The Dinos cheered on the students as they began testing on Tuesday, April 23.Police Chief Hooker and cheer team squad leader shows off his cheer skills at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly. Who knew he is a man with so many hidden talents?

Pamela L. Bonner, Ruidoso News Published 3:36 p.m. MT April 25, 2019


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Ruidoso Middle School (RMS) was surprised with an unusual pep rally ahead of implementation of the New Mexico public schools' common core standards testing.

Gov. Michelle Lujan-Grisham recently removed PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) testing as the common assessment of New Mexico public school students.

However, staff at RMS decided to proceed with testing in order to encourage students to continue to meet and exceed academic excellence. The state assessment spans over a three-week period.

The assembly was organized to help boost the morale and confidence of the student body.

"Use the same determination and effort that you do for your video games and try and get as many points as possible. You got this. Rock the test"

Dr. Bickert

The faculty at RMS started off the school day with a "surprise testing kick off" assembly. Months of preparation along with some sneaky planning was organized to relieve some of the tension students may experience.

"While it's completely normal to feel a bit nervous before a test, some students find test anxiety debilitating. Racing thoughts, inability to concentrate, or feelings of dread can combine with physical symptoms like a fast heartbeat, headache, or nausea," according the Princeton Review.

The assembly was filled with antics and some clowning around by staff, Police Chief Darren Hooker and family members, to encourage students during the next two weeks of testing.

Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso News

Dr. Bickert speaks to staff, parents and students at an assemble to encourage the students to do their best during the next two weeks of testing. (Photo: Courtesy/Ruidoso Middle School)

Creative posters were placed throughout the school the night before. Ruidoso High School student council members showed support for the students by placing inspirational quotes with chalk along the sidewalk as well.

"We are such a small community and we should all support each other. I am proud that the RHS student council will jump in and support students in other buildings," former RHS student council president, Daniella Rodriguez said.

As students entered the building, they were shuffled to a seating area. Cecily Hooker, principal of RMS, started the testing kick off by greeting the students and parents, stating that "the staff supports the students and the efforts and how proud everyone at the school is of each individual student."

Superintendent of the Ruidoso Municipal School District, Dr. George Bickert spoke to the student body about how proud each student should be of themselves.

"We believe that it is important to encourage our students, even in silly ways like this, because although this test is important, students are what matters most. They need to feel confident and appreciated. We want to thank the parents and community members that took the time to support our staff and students," Cecily Hooker said.

More: High School graduation requirements for the 21st Century

"Use the same determination and effort that you do for your video games and try and get as many points as possible. You got this. Rock the test," Bickert said.

As the assembly moved forward with the help of some "special cheerleaders" (Ruidoso police chief, school board members and staff dressed as cheerleaders) the students were cheered on as they face two weeks of testing.

Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso News

"Go-Team- Ruidoso-Go" as assistant superintendent Jason Edmister performers his cheer rendition to the Warrior fight song. (Photo: Courtesy/Ruidoso Middle School)

 Assistant Superintendent, Jason Edmister, was first to say "yes" to wearing a cheerleader's skirt. 

More: Ruidoso Municipal Schools are on the rise

More: New Mexico has more Effective Teachers than ever before

"Getting our young people pumped up and ready for testing is the least that I can do. It has nothing to do with me wanting to be a cheerleader or wear skirts," Darren Hooker said.

However, he was not the only one to agree to a live performance of "Rah, Rah, Sis- Boom-Bah."

More: Lock Down Buckets distributed to 140 classrooms

Board members Luther Light (president) and Marc Beatty, assistant principal Mike Speck, Police Chief Darren Hooker, Brenda Garcia (RMS secretary) dressed as cheerleaders as their jazz hands waved to the crowd.

Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso News

"Is it my gun belt too big, or is this skirt too small for me?" Chief Hooker prepares for an assembly to encourage students to do well on test day. (Photo: Courtesy/Ruidoso Middle School)

Parents Jennifer Friberg, Stephanie Kennedy, Aimee Vasquez, and Raul Cavaller dressed as inflatable T-rexs dancing about.

"For me it is about community service. I love being more than just the police chief, I have always been someone that wants to show that I am just like everyone else, common," Hooker said.

More: A request of $558,000 made to expand Pre-K classes

Cheers of encouragement were heard as students were given the red-carpet treatment and lined up to make their way to each grade level hallway.

"We don't want our students to stress about the state testing. We always preach testing days are the best days because they get to show us what they know," said assistant superintendent Jason Edmister.

For more information about the Ruidoso school district, testing, or programs offered visit

Pamela L. Bonner can be reached at 575-202-5555, or at 575-257-4001 ext. 4102.



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Ruidoso Middle school gets surprise cheer-squad during test week - Ruidoso NewsPosters filled the wall sat RMS placed by the student body of RHS to encourage students to do their best and to remain positive.Team Ruidoso at a RMS pep rally. The assembly was organized to encourage the students during a two week testing.Dr. Bickert speaks to staff, parents and students at an assemble to encourage the students to do their best during the next two weeks of testing.Team T-Rex practices cheers as the prepare for the pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle as the student body gears up for two weeks of testing.Assistant principal coach Speck double checks his pom-poms, as he awaits in the wings, making sure things are in order.The 'T' in T-rex stands for go team Ruidos Middle School. The Dinos cheered on the students as they began testing on Tuesday, April 23.Ruidoso Police Chief Darren Hooker and school board president Luther Light get their pom-poms ready to cheer on the student body at RMS prior to PARCC testing.Police Chief Hooker and cheer team squad leader shows off his cheer skills at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly. Who knew he is a man with so many hidden talents?And a one, and a two...Cheer Squad Chief Hooker, school board president Luther Light (left) shake their pom-poms during a high kicking routine to encourage students during an a pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle school. It appears that T-Rex is not only photo bombing the two, but seems to be getting a kick out of their routine."Go-Team- Ruidoso-Go" as assistant superintendent Jason Edmister performers his cheer rendition to the Warrior fight song.Chief Hooker and RMS principal Cecily Hooker take time out to pose at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly.Positive posters were made and placed throughout Ruidoso Middle School by Ruidoso High School student body. The posters were designed to encourage students to do their best during the next two weeks of testng.Posters hung by the student body of RHS were placed to encourage the students at RMS to do their best during the next two weeks of testing.Words of encouragement were paced throughout RMS during testing week. The posters were made by the student body of RHS.Cheer squad 2019 for Ruidoso Middle School testing encouragement a PARCC pep assembly. "Give me an "R", give me a "U", give me an "I", give me a "D", give me an "O", give me a "S", give me another "O".....goooooo Ruidoso Middle School.The "red carpet" that led the students to testing. The rally was held to encourage the students to always do their best and relieve some of the anxiety they may have felt before testing began."Is it my gun belt too big, or is this skirt too small for me?" Chief Hooker prepares for an assembly to encourage students to do well on test day.
And a one, and a two...Cheer Squad Chief Hooker, school board president Luther Light (left) shake their pom-poms during a high kicking routine to encourage students during an a pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle school. It appears that T-Rex is not only photo bombing the two, but seems to be getting a kick out of their routine.Chief Hooker and RMS principal Cecily Hooker take time out to pose at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly.Posters hung by the student body of RHS were placed to encourage the students at RMS to do their best during the next two weeks of testing.Cheer squad 2019 for Ruidoso Middle School testing encouragement a PARCC pep assembly. "Give me an "R", give me a "U", give me an "I", give me a "D", give me an "O", give me a "S", give me another "O".....goooooo Ruidoso Middle School."Is it my gun belt too big, or is this skirt too small for me?" Chief Hooker prepares for an assembly to encourage students to do well on test day.Team Ruidoso at a RMS pep rally. The assembly was organized to encourage the students during a two week testing.Team T-Rex practices cheers as the prepare for the pep assembly at Ruidoso Middle as the student body gears up for two weeks of testing.The 'T' in T-rex stands for go team Ruidos Middle School. The Dinos cheered on the students as they began testing on Tuesday, April 23.Police Chief Hooker and cheer team squad leader shows off his cheer skills at the Ruidoso Middle School pep assembly. Who knew he is a man with so many hidden talents?
"Go-Team- Ruidoso-Go" as assistant superintendent Jason Edmister performers his cheer rendition to the Warrior fight song.Words of encouragement were paced throughout RMS during testing week. The posters were made by the student body of RHS.
Positive posters were made and placed throughout Ruidoso Middle School by Ruidoso High School student body. The posters were designed to encourage students to do their best during the next two weeks of testng.
The "red carpet" that led the students to testing. The rally was held to encourage the students to always do their best and relieve some of the anxiety they may have felt before testing began.
Posters filled the wall sat RMS placed by the student body of RHS to encourage students to do their best and to remain positive.Assistant principal coach Speck double checks his pom-poms, as he awaits in the wings, making sure things are in order.


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