Recreation calendar - Savannah Morning News

April 21, 2019 at 10:42PM



To list events, email or call 912-652-0350.



Crusader baseball and softball: Registration for 8-under coach-pitch team, 6-U T-ball team and 6-U softball team this spring. Info: Wes Worthington at

39th annual Robert Sapp Baseball Camp: July 8-12, Richmond Hill Park. For boys ages 7-14; 6-year-olds can attend if skilled enough for 7-year-old group. Camps 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fees: $135, with team rates available ($10 discount for five or more players from one spring/summer league team or travel team). Info: Richmond Hill Recreation Department 912-756-4626; or Robert Sapp 770-287-3309 or email; or go to website




Pooler Recreation Summer Basketball Leagues: Boys and girls JV and varsity high school teams. Registration: April 1-May 23. Fee: $200. League play: June 1-28. Also: Youth league: Boys and girls ages 7-13. Registration: April 1-May 19. Registration fee $45 residents, $90 non-residents. League play: June 1-July 25. Info: Chris Kirby 912-748-5776, ext. 703 and

Todd O'Neal Basketball Academy: Memorial Day School, 4-5:45 p.m., April 30, May 2, 7, 9, 14, 21, 23. For boys grades 5-6. Cost: $175 for all sessions or $25 per class. Also: Jr. Pro Teaching 3 on 3 League, for boys and girls grades 2-6; 10-11:30 a.m. on March 30, April 6, April 3; and 4-5:30 p.m. April 18. Coaches will teach for the first 45  minutes on individual skills, then players in 3 on 3 half-court games. Also: One Way Hoops summer camps and clinics for boys and girls grades 5-11, all from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fundamentals camp, June 17-20, cost $95; Shooting clinic, June 8, cost $35; Moving without the ball clinic, $35; How to be a Total Offensive Package Player Camp, July 8-11, cost $95. Info: Memorial Day coach Todd O'Neal at or 615-946-4143.



City of Savannah, Parks and Recreation Department Athletics Division, cheerleading instructor tryout: 4 p.m. April 23, Alee Temple Bill Porter Room. The Alee Temple is located off of Skidaway Road and across from the Allen Paulson Softball Complex. Interested high school varsity cheerleaders must be 16 years old to try out and bring a copy of their birth certificate. Cheerleaders selected will be instructors at the 2019 Summer Cheerleading Sports Camp. Registration is open for the camp for children ages 5-15. Register weekdays at the Paulson Softball Complex at 7171 Skidaway Road. Four sessions are June 3-6, 10-13, 17-20 and 24-27. Session 4 includes the Georgia Games. Sessions are at the Alee Temple from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Thursday. The cost is $45 per child for city residents, $50 for non-residents, for sessions 1, 2 and 3. Session 4 is $50/$55. Lunch is provided. Info: Betty Burns at 912-351-3852.



12th annual Savannah River Spring Classic Fishing Tournament: April 27, 5:30 a.m. launch, Houlihan Boat Landing. Part of Port Wentworth's annual Stand Up for America Day. Fishing begins at 6 a.m., weigh-in 3-4 p.m. Anglers compete to win prizes, including a guaranteed first-place prize of $2,000. Registration at and the fee is $150 for a two-man team. Captain's dinner on April 26. All anglers must be present. The tournament raises funds for the Military Order of the Purple Heart Association, Chatham County Auxiliary.



2019 Adventure Cove/Palmetto Dunes Atlas & Lava Fitness All-American Football Camp: May 17-19, Hilton Head Island (S.C.) High School practice fields, 70 Wilborn Road. May 17, 5:30-8 p.m.; May 18-19, 9 a.m.-noon. Rain or shine. For all students currently in grades K-8. Camp staff advertised as including former Liberty County High School stars Raekwon McMillan (Ohio State, Miami Dolphins) and Richard LeCounte (Georgia) as well as Clemson's Travis Etienne, Trevor Lawrence, Justyn Ross and more. Cost: $125 on or before May 3, $150 after. Walk-ups welcome but pre-registration preferred. Register online Info: Camp director BJ Payne 843-368-4618 or



The Landings Women's Golf Association's annual Golf for a Cure tournament to benefit cancer research: April 23, 1:30 p.m. In year 15, the tournament was expanded to include the other two golf groups at The Landings Club -- The Landings Men's Golf Association and The Landings 9-Hole Golf Association. A total of 416 golfers will simultaneously tee off at all six golf courses. Proceeds go directly to the local community, including Mercer University School of Medicine.

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Savannah Graduate Chapter, fifth annual golf tournament: April 28, The Club at Savannah Harbour. Event benefits the Matthew Reardon Center for Autism and the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. Registration noon, lunch 12:30 p.m., shotgun start 1:30 p.m. Cost: Four-player team $480, single player $140; includes greens and cart, bucket of balls for range, lunch, awards, T-shirt, gift. Info: or Monica Parsad at

Adaptive Golf Savannah's second annual Golf Scramble: May 3, Hunter Golf Club, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah. Registration 7:30 a.m.; driving range 7:30-8:45 a.m.; shotgun start 9 a.m.; lunch 2 p.m.; awards/raffle 2:30 p.m. Register online: Info: Edward Gizara 912-677-3394 or Adaptive Golf Savannah Inc. is a non-profit organization providing a totally free monthly golf experience for those with limitations or disabilities. Participants are ages 8-80.

Pooler Lions Club's 4th annual Chipping for Charity golf tournament: May 4, Crosswinds Golf Club, 9 a.m. shotgun start. Registration now open: $90 per person, $360 per foursome and includes range balls, golf cart, goody bag, and buffet lunch. RSVP by April 26. Awards for top three places, longest drive, closest to the pin. Buffet lunch after the tournament. All proceeds benefit the numerous community outreach initiatives of the Pooler Lions Club, whose main service is to the blind and visually impaired. Info: or email lionsclub2@gmailcom.

Eighth annual EmployAbility Charity Golf Tournament: May 17, noon, The Landings Club's Palmetto Course, followed by a 19th Hole party at the Plantation Club. EmployAbility's mission is to prepare adults with developmental disabilities for employment and community integration in Chatham, Effingham and Bryan counties. Info: To register a team or ask about sponsorships, call 912-644-7475 or go to or

Georgia Amateur Golf Promotions: GAGP is open to male golfers 21 and older. This is an alternative to being affiliated with one club. There are 125 clubs being organized with 125 play dates over 125 courses within five regions in Georgia. No initiation fees, monthly dues, food and beverage charges, or year-end assessment. Formats are flighted based on age and handicap: Men 21-49, Mid Seniors 50-59, Seniors 60-69, Super Seniors 70-up. The 2019 schedule starts in March. Info: John Ungar 614-441-3965 or email or

Living Independence for Everyone (LIFE), Inc., is a partner with Adaptive Golf Savannah (AGS): The group meets the first Saturday of each month from 9-11 a.m. at the Hunter Golf Course on Hunter Army Air Field. The clinic is free. Equipment will be available. Also seeking people with golf experience interested in helping others. Info: Ed Garza at



10th annual Coastal Empire Lacrosse Camp: June 7-9, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus in Savannah. Instructors Joe Alberici, head coach of the Army lacrosse team and his staff. For boys grades K-12. Cost: full day and overnight, $448; full day $345; half day $180. Includes morning and afternoon skill sessions, evening games, 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.. Info:



Savannah Derby Devils roller derby team: Info:



Savannah Youth Rugby Club: For ages 14-19. There is a boys team and girls team. Coaches are Ditori Garrett, language arts teacher at Derenne Middle School, and Jon-Reed Walker, physical education teacher at Jenkins HS. Parents welcome. No experience required. Email:



Girls on the Run Coastal Georgia and Lowcountry's 13th annual Spring 5K: May 4, Hutchinson Island. Registration 7:30 a.m.; run/walk 9 a.m. Cost: $30, includes medal and T-shrit. Register:

42nd annual Rose City 10K Run: Thomasville, April 27, 8 a.m. Also: 1 Mile run for ages 12 and under, April 27; and 38th annual Rose City Walk, April 20, for ages 13 and older. Info:

Eighth annual Tunnel to Towers Savannah 5K Run/Walk: Sept. 7, Orleans Square, downtown Savannah. Register: Info: The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation honors the legacy of FDNY firefighter Sephen Siller, who gave his life in the line of duty on 9/11. Foundation programs include building custom smart homes for catastrophically wounded military veterans.



SCAD Women's Soccer ID Clinic: May 3, 1-4 p.m., SCAD Athletic Complex, 3650 Speedway Blvd., Hardeeville, S.C. SCAD coaching staff will evaluate prospective collegiate soccer players. Participants must contact head coach Rebecca Gunn at for the waiver form. Info:, go to SCAD women's soccer page and look under the additional links tab.


Jenkins Athletic Club: May 20-Aug. 2; Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Cost: $75 per week, includes lunch. Info: Billy Covington 912-713-3501, or



Port Wentworth classes: Beginners (ages 3-5), intermediate (5-12), advanced (6-12). Registration fee: Port Wentworth residents $35 a session, $65 for non-residents.



To list events, email or call 912-652-0350.



Crusader baseball and softball: Registration for 8-under coach-pitch team, 6-U T-ball team and 6-U softball team this spring. Info: Wes Worthington at

39th annual Robert Sapp Baseball Camp: July 8-12, Richmond Hill Park. For boys ages 7-14; 6-year-olds can attend if skilled enough for 7-year-old group. Camps 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fees: $135, with team rates available ($10 discount for five or more players from one spring/summer league team or travel team). Info: Richmond Hill Recreation Department 912-756-4626; or Robert Sapp 770-287-3309 or email; or go to website




Pooler Recreation Summer Basketball Leagues: Boys and girls JV and varsity high school teams. Registration: April 1-May 23. Fee: $200. League play: June 1-28. Also: Youth league: Boys and girls ages 7-13. Registration: April 1-May 19. Registration fee $45 residents, $90 non-residents. League play: June 1-July 25. Info: Chris Kirby 912-748-5776, ext. 703 and

Todd O'Neal Basketball Academy: Memorial Day School, 4-5:45 p.m., April 30, May 2, 7, 9, 14, 21, 23. For boys grades 5-6. Cost: $175 for all sessions or $25 per class. Also: Jr. Pro Teaching 3 on 3 League, for boys and girls grades 2-6; 10-11:30 a.m. on March 30, April 6, April 3; and 4-5:30 p.m. April 18. Coaches will teach for the first 45  minutes on individual skills, then players in 3 on 3 half-court games. Also: One Way Hoops summer camps and clinics for boys and girls grades 5-11, all from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fundamentals camp, June 17-20, cost $95; Shooting clinic, June 8, cost $35; Moving without the ball clinic, $35; How to be a Total Offensive Package Player Camp, July 8-11, cost $95. Info: Memorial Day coach Todd O'Neal at or 615-946-4143.



City of Savannah, Parks and Recreation Department Athletics Division, cheerleading instructor tryout: 4 p.m. April 23, Alee Temple Bill Porter Room. The Alee Temple is located off of Skidaway Road and across from the Allen Paulson Softball Complex. Interested high school varsity cheerleaders must be 16 years old to try out and bring a copy of their birth certificate. Cheerleaders selected will be instructors at the 2019 Summer Cheerleading Sports Camp. Registration is open for the camp for children ages 5-15. Register weekdays at the Paulson Softball Complex at 7171 Skidaway Road. Four sessions are June 3-6, 10-13, 17-20 and 24-27. Session 4 includes the Georgia Games. Sessions are at the Alee Temple from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Thursday. The cost is $45 per child for city residents, $50 for non-residents, for sessions 1, 2 and 3. Session 4 is $50/$55. Lunch is provided. Info: Betty Burns at 912-351-3852.



12th annual Savannah River Spring Classic Fishing Tournament: April 27, 5:30 a.m. launch, Houlihan Boat Landing. Part of Port Wentworth's annual Stand Up for America Day. Fishing begins at 6 a.m., weigh-in 3-4 p.m. Anglers compete to win prizes, including a guaranteed first-place prize of $2,000. Registration at and the fee is $150 for a two-man team. Captain's dinner on April 26. All anglers must be present. The tournament raises funds for the Military Order of the Purple Heart Association, Chatham County Auxiliary.



2019 Adventure Cove/Palmetto Dunes Atlas & Lava Fitness All-American Football Camp: May 17-19, Hilton Head Island (S.C.) High School practice fields, 70 Wilborn Road. May 17, 5:30-8 p.m.; May 18-19, 9 a.m.-noon. Rain or shine. For all students currently in grades K-8. Camp staff advertised as including former Liberty County High School stars Raekwon McMillan (Ohio State, Miami Dolphins) and Richard LeCounte (Georgia) as well as Clemson's Travis Etienne, Trevor Lawrence, Justyn Ross and more. Cost: $125 on or before May 3, $150 after. Walk-ups welcome but pre-registration preferred. Register online Info: Camp director BJ Payne 843-368-4618 or



The Landings Women's Golf Association's annual Golf for a Cure tournament to benefit cancer research: April 23, 1:30 p.m. In year 15, the tournament was expanded to include the other two golf groups at The Landings Club -- The Landings Men's Golf Association and The Landings 9-Hole Golf Association. A total of 416 golfers will simultaneously tee off at all six golf courses. Proceeds go directly to the local community, including Mercer University School of Medicine.

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Savannah Graduate Chapter, fifth annual golf tournament: April 28, The Club at Savannah Harbour. Event benefits the Matthew Reardon Center for Autism and the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. Registration noon, lunch 12:30 p.m., shotgun start 1:30 p.m. Cost: Four-player team $480, single player $140; includes greens and cart, bucket of balls for range, lunch, awards, T-shirt, gift. Info: or Monica Parsad at

Adaptive Golf Savannah's second annual Golf Scramble: May 3, Hunter Golf Club, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah. Registration 7:30 a.m.; driving range 7:30-8:45 a.m.; shotgun start 9 a.m.; lunch 2 p.m.; awards/raffle 2:30 p.m. Register online: Info: Edward Gizara 912-677-3394 or Adaptive Golf Savannah Inc. is a non-profit organization providing a totally free monthly golf experience for those with limitations or disabilities. Participants are ages 8-80.

Pooler Lions Club's 4th annual Chipping for Charity golf tournament: May 4, Crosswinds Golf Club, 9 a.m. shotgun start. Registration now open: $90 per person, $360 per foursome and includes range balls, golf cart, goody bag, and buffet lunch. RSVP by April 26. Awards for top three places, longest drive, closest to the pin. Buffet lunch after the tournament. All proceeds benefit the numerous community outreach initiatives of the Pooler Lions Club, whose main service is to the blind and visually impaired. Info: or email lionsclub2@gmailcom.

Eighth annual EmployAbility Charity Golf Tournament: May 17, noon, The Landings Club's Palmetto Course, followed by a 19th Hole party at the Plantation Club. EmployAbility's mission is to prepare adults with developmental disabilities for employment and community integration in Chatham, Effingham and Bryan counties. Info: To register a team or ask about sponsorships, call 912-644-7475 or go to or

Georgia Amateur Golf Promotions: GAGP is open to male golfers 21 and older. This is an alternative to being affiliated with one club. There are 125 clubs being organized with 125 play dates over 125 courses within five regions in Georgia. No initiation fees, monthly dues, food and beverage charges, or year-end assessment. Formats are flighted based on age and handicap: Men 21-49, Mid Seniors 50-59, Seniors 60-69, Super Seniors 70-up. The 2019 schedule starts in March. Info: John Ungar 614-441-3965 or email or

Living Independence for Everyone (LIFE), Inc., is a partner with Adaptive Golf Savannah (AGS): The group meets the first Saturday of each month from 9-11 a.m. at the Hunter Golf Course on Hunter Army Air Field. The clinic is free. Equipment will be available. Also seeking people with golf experience interested in helping others. Info: Ed Garza at



10th annual Coastal Empire Lacrosse Camp: June 7-9, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus in Savannah. Instructors Joe Alberici, head coach of the Army lacrosse team and his staff. For boys grades K-12. Cost: full day and overnight, $448; full day $345; half day $180. Includes morning and afternoon skill sessions, evening games, 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.. Info:



Savannah Derby Devils roller derby team: Info:



Savannah Youth Rugby Club: For ages 14-19. There is a boys team and girls team. Coaches are Ditori Garrett, language arts teacher at Derenne Middle School, and Jon-Reed Walker, physical education teacher at Jenkins HS. Parents welcome. No experience required. Email:



Girls on the Run Coastal Georgia and Lowcountry's 13th annual Spring 5K: May 4, Hutchinson Island. Registration 7:30 a.m.; run/walk 9 a.m. Cost: $30, includes medal and T-shrit. Register:

42nd annual Rose City 10K Run: Thomasville, April 27, 8 a.m. Also: 1 Mile run for ages 12 and under, April 27; and 38th annual Rose City Walk, April 20, for ages 13 and older. Info:

Eighth annual Tunnel to Towers Savannah 5K Run/Walk: Sept. 7, Orleans Square, downtown Savannah. Register: Info: The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation honors the legacy of FDNY firefighter Sephen Siller, who gave his life in the line of duty on 9/11. Foundation programs include building custom smart homes for catastrophically wounded military veterans.



SCAD Women's Soccer ID Clinic: May 3, 1-4 p.m., SCAD Athletic Complex, 3650 Speedway Blvd., Hardeeville, S.C. SCAD coaching staff will evaluate prospective collegiate soccer players. Participants must contact head coach Rebecca Gunn at for the waiver form. Info:, go to SCAD women's soccer page and look under the additional links tab.


Jenkins Athletic Club: May 20-Aug. 2; Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Cost: $75 per week, includes lunch. Info: Billy Covington 912-713-3501, or



Port Wentworth classes: Beginners (ages 3-5), intermediate (5-12), advanced (6-12). Registration fee: Port Wentworth residents $35 a session, $65 for non-residents. Also: one-week tumbling camp during June or July. Info: Tiffany Dennis Lancaster, City of Port Wentworth Leisure Services Director, 912-966-7428,;



Christian League of Players: Non-profit organization designed to nurture youth, utilizing sports as a tool to incorporate training for future opportunities spiritually, educationally and physically. Open to all denominations. Team age groups are 8-10, 11-12, 13-17. League play began March 19. Cost: $75 per team. Info: Mary Fletcher,, 912-691-4595 or 912-308-8399, or

Savannah Morning News


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