April 16, 2019 at 01:49AM

20 YEARS AGO — 1999
Girl Scout Troop 624 recently visited Family Chiropractic of Dallas and learned how natural chiropractic care helps to improve, maintain and restore overall health. Dr. Alaimo gave the troop a demonstration with a model spine, a tour of the facility and all were given tickets to the Shrine Circus. Amongst the troop members who attended were Chelsea Calhoun, Cassie Snyder and Heather Regnosky.
Students from the Chamber Music Program at Wyoming Seminary visited Dallas Elementary School recently to introduce children to music in an "Instrument Petting Zoo." Sem students demonstrated their instruments, and curious Dallas youngsters were able to hold instruments and take a stab at playing. Tom Youells held Dan Mariner's tuba as Megan Youells waited for her turn; Laura Jehl showed an oboe to Maria Moss; and Jason Schilling got a close look at Ben Warrington's cello.
Robert John (R.J.) Tomascik, a fifth grade student at Sue Hand's Imagery, Dallas, has recently been named the recipient of the Hank Doran Memorial Art Award for an Outstanding Young Art Student of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Beth and Dick Dearden, the award was given to R.J., who has studied with Sue Hand for the past five and a half years. He has won numerous awards for his artwork and exhibits regularly. He works in ink, colored pencil, watercolor, mixed media, gouache, acrylic, graphite and pastel.
30 YEARS AGO — 1989
The third grade class of Lake-Noxen School was recently honored by having a book donated on their behalf to the school library. This was done by the PTA to show their appreciation for the support of the recent Book Fair. Mrs. Turchin's class also received an indoor beach party to celebrate the start of spring and will be going to the Lackawanna coal mines as a field trip in May. Class members are: Todd Kern, Chavon Croman, Joey Kottler, Kenny Olshefski, Mark Elgaway, Michael Albee, Marty Noon, Brian Smigielski, Amanda Zerfoss, Robyn Margellina, Amy Grabner, Tara Haughney, Rachelle Martin, Amanda Blaine, Melissa Birt, Katie Finch, Eric Nygren and Edmund Sichler.
Twenty two boys and girls and leaders from the AWANA Club of the Community Church of Dallas participated in the SPARKS-A-RAMA and AWANA Olympics April 8 at Elk Lake Elementary School. AWANA Olympics consisted of games such as Balloon Volley, Marathon Relay, Sprint Relay, Tug-of-War and Three-Legged Race. Local participants were: David Snyder, Sarah Martin, Joshua Katyl, Sarah Nichol, Jesse Williams, Jesse Saylor, Amanda Race, Jennifer Frank, Amy Snyder, Alison Piazza, Jessica Martin, Sarah Saylor, Benjamin Wolfe, Danny Nichol, Amy Nichol, Rebecca Bush, Sammy Saylor, George Frank, Andrew Race, Michelle Clark, David Brown and Brad Burnaford.
40 YEARS AGO — 1979
Gate of Heaven cheerleaders recently captured the 1979 Northeastern Pennsylvania Junior High Cheerleading Championship. Members of the squad include Karen Martin, Susan Stravinski, Janet Carey, Patti Judge, Megan Flynn, Katie O'Konski, Cathy Clamar, Cathy Leonard, Ann McGuire, Maria Malak, Chris Pinnouchio, Sharon Dougherty, Kim Dougherty Adele Correale and Michelle McGraw.
Lake-Lehman junior and senior high wrestlers were honored at an awards dinner at Jimeal's, Plymouth, Sunday evening, in recognition of their performance this season. The Senior Varsity took the District II AA team title. Awards were given to Mike Leskowsky, outstanding wrestler; Tom Williams, most dedicated; Kevin Wagner, most improved; and Ray Leskowsky, outstanding senior.
Five Back Mountain residents have won roles in College Misericordia's annual Children's Theatre production scheduled to be presented this month. The production is "Aesop's 'Falables' of the Animals," a moral rock musical for young people based upon Aesop's original stories. Local students in the play are: Jim Rogowski, Hunlock Creek; Connie Havir, Noxen; Michael Terninko, Harveys Lake, Diane Watchulonis, Dallas; and Renee Yuscellis, Harveys Lake.
50 YEARS AGO — 1969
On April 21 Dallas Borough will be short just 10 years of having been in existence 100 years. It was on April 21, 1879 that the Luzerne County Court handed down an order decreeing that the town of Dallas be incorporated as a borough. In placing the municipal limits, the court cut a square out of the heart of Dallas Township, originally a part of Certified Kingston Township. The man reason for the petitioning of court to create the borough came about, reportedly, over what direction the school district should take in educating children. On one side were the farmers and on the other, the townsfolk. A heated exchange between the two concerned improvements in the school system.
Six Dallas Senior High School students have been notified that their writings, submitted in a national contest to a publisher of student anthologies, have been accepted for publication this spring. A poem by Deborah Fader will be included in a book entitled Anthology of High School Poetry, published by the National Poetry Press. In addition, five sophomores will have their individual essays included in Young America Speaks, published by the National Essay Press. The five essayists are: Sandy Barakat, Linda Doughton, Jerry McDonald, Phillip Scott and Lindsay Sherwood.
60 YEARS AGO — 1959
Vocal Department of Lake-Lehman Schools, under the direction of Bernard J. Gerrity, will present its annual Spring Concert Wednesday night at 8 in the Lehman building. The program will include the Junior Chorus of Lehman Junior High School and the Senior Chorus. Piano solos will be by Nancy Drapiewski and Kathryn Hackling. Accompanists for the Junior Chorus are Mary Ann Laskowski, Carol Drapiewski, Marsha Thomas and Linda Swelgin; for the Senior Chorus are
Nancy Drapiewski, Kathryn Hackling, Jane Wardlow, Bobby Ann Morgan, Dean Long and Larry Carpenter.
Dallas Township Chief of Police Irwin Coolbaugh received his certificate for six months of special police training Saturday night at a dinner held at the American Legion. Assistant District Attorney Arthur Silverblatt made the presentation.
70 YEARS AGO — 1949
Two Back Mountain women were elected as officer of Wilkes-Barre District WSCS at the District meeting which was held at Dorranceton Methodist Church, Friday. They are: Mrs. Sherman R. Schooley, president and Mrs. O.L. Harvey, secretary of supply work.
Men's Brotherhood of St. Paul's Luther Church will present a minstrel, "Ship Ahoy" at Kingston Township High School Saturday evening. William Lipfert is chairman of the committee, comprised of Ted Woolbert, Byron Kitchen, Willard Lozo, Jr., James Inman and Dale Zimmerman.

The Dallas Post newspaper printed for 130 years. Information here appears exactly as it was first printed.

20 YEARS AGO — 1999
Girl Scout Troop 624 recently visited Family Chiropractic of Dallas and learned how natural chiropractic care helps to improve, maintain and restore overall health. Dr. Alaimo gave the troop a demonstration with a model spine, a tour of the facility and all were given tickets to the Shrine Circus. Amongst the troop members who attended were Chelsea Calhoun, Cassie Snyder and Heather Regnosky.
Students from the Chamber Music Program at Wyoming Seminary visited Dallas Elementary School recently to introduce children to music in an "Instrument Petting Zoo." Sem students demonstrated their instruments, and curious Dallas youngsters were able to hold instruments and take a stab at playing. Tom Youells held Dan Mariner's tuba as Megan Youells waited for her turn; Laura Jehl showed an oboe to Maria Moss; and Jason Schilling got a close look at Ben Warrington's cello.
Robert John (R.J.) Tomascik, a fifth grade student at Sue Hand's Imagery, Dallas, has recently been named the recipient of the Hank Doran Memorial Art Award for an Outstanding Young Art Student of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Beth and Dick Dearden, the award was given to R.J., who has studied with Sue Hand for the past five and a half years. He has won numerous awards for his artwork and exhibits regularly. He works in ink, colored pencil, watercolor, mixed media, gouache, acrylic, graphite and pastel.
30 YEARS AGO — 1989
The third grade class of Lake-Noxen School was recently honored by having a book donated on their behalf to the school library. This was done by the PTA to show their appreciation for the support of the recent Book Fair. Mrs. Turchin's class also received an indoor beach party to celebrate the start of spring and will be going to the Lackawanna coal mines as a field trip in May. Class members are: Todd Kern, Chavon Croman, Joey Kottler, Kenny Olshefski, Mark Elgaway, Michael Albee, Marty Noon, Brian Smigielski, Amanda Zerfoss, Robyn Margellina, Amy Grabner, Tara Haughney, Rachelle Martin, Amanda Blaine, Melissa Birt, Katie Finch, Eric Nygren and Edmund Sichler.
Twenty two boys and girls and leaders from the AWANA Club of the Community Church of Dallas participated in the SPARKS-A-RAMA and AWANA Olympics April 8 at Elk Lake Elementary School. AWANA Olympics consisted of games such as Balloon Volley, Marathon Relay, Sprint Relay, Tug-of-War and Three-Legged Race. Local participants were: David Snyder, Sarah Martin, Joshua Katyl, Sarah Nichol, Jesse Williams, Jesse Saylor, Amanda Race, Jennifer Frank, Amy Snyder, Alison Piazza, Jessica Martin, Sarah Saylor, Benjamin Wolfe, Danny Nichol, Amy Nichol, Rebecca Bush, Sammy Saylor, George Frank, Andrew Race, Michelle Clark, David Brown and Brad Burnaford.
40 YEARS AGO — 1979
Gate of Heaven cheerleaders recently captured the 1979 Northeastern Pennsylvania Junior High Cheerleading Championship. Members of the squad include Karen Martin, Susan Stravinski, Janet Carey, Patti Judge, Megan Flynn, Katie O'Konski, Cathy Clamar, Cathy Leonard, Ann McGuire, Maria Malak, Chris Pinnouchio, Sharon Dougherty, Kim Dougherty Adele Correale and Michelle McGraw.
Lake-Lehman junior and senior high wrestlers were honored at an awards dinner at Jimeal's, Plymouth, Sunday evening, in recognition of their performance this season. The Senior Varsity took the District II AA team title. Awards were given to Mike Leskowsky, outstanding wrestler; Tom Williams, most dedicated; Kevin Wagner, most improved; and Ray Leskowsky, outstanding senior.
Five Back Mountain residents have won roles in College Misericordia's annual Children's Theatre production scheduled to be presented this month. The production is "Aesop's 'Falables' of the Animals," a moral rock musical for young people based upon Aesop's original stories. Local students in the play are: Jim Rogowski, Hunlock Creek; Connie Havir, Noxen; Michael Terninko, Harveys Lake, Diane Watchulonis, Dallas; and Renee Yuscellis, Harveys Lake.
50 YEARS AGO — 1969
On April 21 Dallas Borough will be short just 10 years of having been in existence 100 years. It was on April 21, 1879 that the Luzerne County Court handed down an order decreeing that the town of Dallas be incorporated as a borough. In placing the municipal limits, the court cut a square out of the heart of Dallas Township, originally a part of Certified Kingston Township. The man reason for the petitioning of court to create the borough came about, reportedly, over what direction the school district should take in educating children. On one side were the farmers and on the other, the townsfolk. A heated exchange between the two concerned improvements in the school system.
Six Dallas Senior High School students have been notified that their writings, submitted in a national contest to a publisher of student anthologies, have been accepted for publication this spring. A poem by Deborah Fader will be included in a book entitled Anthology of High School Poetry, published by the National Poetry Press. In addition, five sophomores will have their individual essays included in Young America Speaks, published by the National Essay Press. The five essayists are: Sandy Barakat, Linda Doughton, Jerry McDonald, Phillip Scott and Lindsay Sherwood.
60 YEARS AGO — 1959
Vocal Department of Lake-Lehman Schools, under the direction of Bernard J. Gerrity, will present its annual Spring Concert Wednesday night at 8 in the Lehman building. The program will include the Junior Chorus of Lehman Junior High School and the Senior Chorus. Piano solos will be by Nancy Drapiewski and Kathryn Hackling. Accompanists for the Junior Chorus are Mary Ann Laskowski, Carol Drapiewski, Marsha Thomas and Linda Swelgin; for the Senior Chorus are
Nancy Drapiewski, Kathryn Hackling, Jane Wardlow, Bobby Ann Morgan, Dean Long and Larry Carpenter.
Dallas Township Chief of Police Irwin Coolbaugh received his certificate for six months of special police training Saturday night at a dinner held at the American Legion. Assistant District Attorney Arthur Silverblatt made the presentation.
70 YEARS AGO — 1949
Two Back Mountain women were elected as officer of Wilkes-Barre District WSCS at the District meeting which was held at Dorranceton Methodist Church, Friday. They are: Mrs. Sherman R. Schooley, president and Mrs. O.L. Harvey, secretary of supply work.
Men's Brotherhood of St. Paul's Luther Church will present a minstrel, "Ship Ahoy" at Kingston Township High School Saturday evening. William Lipfert is chairman of the committee, comprised of Ted Woolbert, Byron Kitchen, Willard Lozo, Jr., James Inman and Dale Zimmerman.

The Dallas Post newspaper printed for 130 years. Information here appears exactly as it was first printed.