Georgia 9-Year-Old Struck By Vehicle In Front Yard Speaks Out: 'I'm Coming Back' - Essence

April 06, 2019 at 12:34AM

Georgia 9-Year-Old Struck By Vehicle In Front Yard Speaks Out: 'I'm Coming Back' - Essence

LaDerihanna Holmes, the 9-year-old Georgia girl who sustained severe injuries after a hit-and-run driver plowed a vehicle into her in her own front yard, is well on the road to recovery and promising to come back strong as ever.

LaDerihanna, who is currently in a wheelchair and going through physical therapy, told NBC Newson Thursday that she was "in a lot of pain" when she was first hospitalized, but she's now looking forward to walking in "about a week." She's already taking a few steps on her walker.

As for the support the little girl has received, with a GoFundMe campaign set to cover her medical expenses bringing in well over $57,000, she said she's so thankful.

"It's just wonderful and overwhelming that they're helping me and praying for me…and it's just so nice," LaDerihanna told NBC. "My goal is to get better with the help from everybody in the world."

The horrifying incident occurred last Friday as LaDerihanna was playing with a friend in the front yard.

Surveillance footage showed the car speeding through a stop sign in front of her house, careening across LaDerihanna's yard, hitting the young child before slamming into the house.

The 9-year-old was left pinned between the vehicle and the home, leaving her family members fearing the worst.

In the end, LaDerihanna was left with a fractured skull, broken pelvic bone and several other injuries.

"From Day One, I didn't expect her to be talking, didn't expect her to be smiling for a while," LaDerihanna's father, Derryl Holmes told NBC.

"She's truly a miracle," her mother, Charlette Bolton, added. "From what happened to her I'm surprised she's alive."

Gabriel Jabri Fordham, 28, the driver suspected in the collision has been apprehended by police. Fordham claimed he had been trying to fight off a carjacker when he struck LaDerihanna.

That person was also captured on surveillance running away from the crash, but it is still unclear if that person will be charged, according to the news station.

Fordham is being held without bail on charges of serious injury by vehicle, failure to maintain a lane, failure to stop at a stop sign, reckless driving, and hit-and-run.

LaDerihanna's family and the attorney representing them are not buying his story.

"He had five days to think about this story," the attorney, Chris Stewart said.

"When you get carjacked you don't get carjacked from the passenger's side," Bolton said. "I don't believe it one bit. It's outrageous."

In the meantime, LaDerihanna, who loves cheerleading, said that she'd "most definitely" rejoin her cheerleading squad as soon as she can.

"I'm coming back," LaDerihanna said. "I'm coming soon."

TOPICS: NewsGeorgiahit and runhit and run victimLaDerihanna Holmes
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Georgia 9-Year-Old Struck By Vehicle In Front Yard Speaks Out: 'I'm Coming Back' - Essence

LaDerihanna Holmes, the 9-year-old Georgia girl who sustained severe injuries after a hit-and-run driver plowed a vehicle into her in her own front yard, is well on the road to recovery and promising to come back strong as ever.

LaDerihanna, who is currently in a wheelchair and going through physical therapy, told NBC Newson Thursday that she was "in a lot of pain" when she was first hospitalized, but she's now looking forward to walking in "about a week." She's already taking a few steps on her walker.

As for the support the little girl has received, with a GoFundMe campaign set to cover her medical expenses bringing in well over $57,000, she said she's so thankful.

"It's just wonderful and overwhelming that they're helping me and praying for me…and it's just so nice," LaDerihanna told NBC. "My goal is to get better with the help from everybody in the world."

The horrifying incident occurred last Friday as LaDerihanna was playing with a friend in the front yard.

Surveillance footage showed the car speeding through a stop sign in front of her house, careening across LaDerihanna's yard, hitting the young child before slamming into the house.

The 9-year-old was left pinned between the vehicle and the home, leaving her family members fearing the worst.

In the end, LaDerihanna was left with a fractured skull, broken pelvic bone and several other injuries.

"From Day One, I didn't expect her to be talking, didn't expect her to be smiling for a while," LaDerihanna's father, Derryl Holmes told NBC.

"She's truly a miracle," her mother, Charlette Bolton, added. "From what happened to her I'm surprised she's alive."

Gabriel Jabri Fordham, 28, the driver suspected in the collision has been apprehended by police. Fordham claimed he had been trying to fight off a carjacker when he struck LaDerihanna.

That person was also captured on surveillance running away from the crash, but it is still unclear if that person will be charged, according to the news station.

Fordham is being held without bail on charges of serious injury by vehicle, failure to maintain a lane, failure to stop at a stop sign, reckless driving, and hit-and-run.

LaDerihanna's family and the attorney representing them are not buying his story.

"He had five days to think about this story," the attorney, Chris Stewart said.

"When you get carjacked you don't get carjacked from the passenger's side," Bolton said. "I don't believe it one bit. It's outrageous."

In the meantime, LaDerihanna, who loves cheerleading, said that she'd "most definitely" rejoin her cheerleading squad as soon as she can.

"I'm coming back," LaDerihanna said. "I'm coming soon."

TOPICS: NewsGeorgiahit and runhit and run victimLaDerihanna Holmes
Oil Be Gone! 9 Skin Products That’ll Combat That Dreaded Shiny Look


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