April 25, 2019 at 06:31AM
The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony April 12 at Fly High Cheer & Tumble, 21 S. Railroad Ave., Wyoming.
Owned and managed by Andrea Caswell and her husband David, Fly High Cheer & Tumble offers various cheerleading-related programs: all-star travel and limited travel; tumbling classes, clinics and camps; stunting classes, clinics, and camps; tumbling and stunting private lessons; camps and clinics with special guests from the all-star cheerleading industry; yoga; flyer flexibility and conditioning classes; birthday parties; and open tumbling sessions.
For more, visit flyhighcheerandtumble.com or call 585-317-1442.

The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony April 12 at Fly High Cheer & Tumble, 21 S. Railroad Ave., Wyoming.
Owned and managed by Andrea Caswell and her husband David, Fly High Cheer & Tumble offers various cheerleading-related programs: all-star travel and limited travel; tumbling classes, clinics and camps; stunting classes, clinics, and camps; tumbling and stunting private lessons; camps and clinics with special guests from the all-star cheerleading industry; yoga; flyer flexibility and conditioning classes; birthday parties; and open tumbling sessions.
For more, visit flyhighcheerandtumble.com or call 585-317-1442.