Needles in brief | Needles Desert Star - Mohave Valley News

March 13, 2019 at 12:25PM

Enter rodeo princess competition by Friday

NEEDLES — Colorado River Round Up Rodeo Princess hopefuls have until Friday, March 15, to enter competition, according to a March 9 announcement.

Girls 11 to 16 can enter the competition to begin at 9 a.m. Sunday, March 24, at the Needles Rodeo Grounds along San Clemente at Clary Drive. Print an application packet from the website:; or contact Kim Willis, director of the competition, at 760-774-9328 or Contestants are to receive an itinerary, wardrobe guidelines, study guide and horsemanship pattern after the application and a non-refundable $75 application fee are received.

Cheerleaders seek donations

NEEDLES — Mustang Cheer performs a community cleanup beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, April 13, as a fundraiser for UCA Cheer Camp. Cheerleaders will be going door-to-door asking for donations to support their efforts. Last year's cleanup netted three tons of trash from the desert and around the city, all hauled away by Allied Waste.

The Needles High School cheerleading squad will attend the Universal Cheerleaders Association's Varsity Spirit Cheer Camp this summer. UCA provides educational training for college and high school cheerleaders; their mission is to inspire leadership on and off the field.

Enter rodeo and ancillary events

NEEDLES — Colorado River Medical Center presents the 43rd Colorado River Round Up coordinated by the Needles Rodeo Association on Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6. The event is held at the Needles Rodeo Grounds, 1001 San Clemente. Entrants within a 50-mile radius can compete in any of the rodeo events: bareback, ranch, saddle bronc and bull riding, barrel racing, steer wrestling, calf tying, breakaway and team roping. Register now by calling Mike Shott at 760-218-4891. Deadline is Friday, March 29.

Form teams for Debbie's Dispensaries' horseshoe and cornhole tournaments, which begin with registration at 9 a.m. April 6. Entry is $20 each player which includes Saturday's rodeo performance. Two-player teams begin competition at 10 a.m. Cash prizes will be paid for first, second and possibly third place depending on the number of entries. Call Wade Evans at 760-220-1039.

Needles Marina Resort's Li'l Wrangler Rodeo begins with registration at The Rodeo Store, open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 1 through 4 at 800 W. Broadway, Suite A. Only 20 mutton busters will ride this year. Each must be at least nine years of age and weigh less than 55 pounds. Calf riders are limited to 30, at least 11 years old, and weighing 85 pounds and under. Entry is $10. Helmets and vests are provided. Call Judy Thornton at 760-333-5255. Any remaining spots can be entered between 9 and 10:30 a.m. at the rodeo grounds. Riding begins at 11 a.m.

Colorado River Round Up Junior Barrel Racing begins at 2 p.m. April 6. Two age groups: 11 years and younger and 12 through 17 years, with up to 20 riders in each group, compete; the winner in each wins a buckle. Depending on the number of entrants cash prizes may be paid to first, second and third place riders. The association determines prizes if the events don't fill up. Entry is $30 with a 30 percent administration fee. Call Shott to sign up.

Easter giving

NEEDLES — Local children stand to gain Easter baskets in Operation Bunny Drop, held in conjunction with the Needles Assembly of God.

The mission: to provide Easter baskets for as many children ages 14 and under as possible. What's needed: donations of materials and/or money by March 21. Checks can be made out to Needles Assembly of God, P.O. Box 457, Needles, CA 92363 with a notation that it's for Operation Bunny Drop. Contribution tax receipts will be provided. Materials can be placed in drop-off boxes around the Tri-state, or contact coordinator Mamie Carver at 760-282-5325.

Recipient registration will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 16, on the basketball courts adjacent the church at Broadway and C Street.

The event will be held Easter Sunday, April 21, at an as-yet-to-be determined location and will include an Easter egg hunt, performance by the Firehouse Ministry band and more. Food and beverage vendors are being sought; call Carver for details.

Eagles Aerie offers activities

NEEDLES — Eagles Aerie 2599 offers several special events each month for members and guests. Visit the aerie, 729 Front St. at E Street; call 760-326-2599; email The aerie opens at noon each day; earlier on Sundays when breakfast is served. Aerie 2599 is now observing Wear RED (Remember Everyone Deployed) Fridays in honor of America's active duty military.

March 15 - Steak dinner, 5:30 - 7 p.m.

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day corned beef dinner, 5 p.m.

March 19 - Happy hour all day. Trustee meeting 5 p.m., aerie meeting 6 p.m.

March 20 - Happy hour all day. Auxiliary meeting 6:30 p.m.

March 21 - Joint officers meeting, 5 p.m.

Apply for women's club scholarship

NEEDLES — Apply by April 5 for a $500 scholarship from the Women's Club of Needles.

Application forms for the annual award are available in the Needles High School office.

Needles T.V. Club Membership Drive

NEEDLES — Community members are asked to help to insure that free over-the-air television continues to be available in the Needles and Mohave Valley areas by making tax deductible contributions of $10 per family to Needles Community TV Club, c/o Bruce Pocock, 214 Fairway Dr., Needles, CA 92363; or Eileen Hartwick, c/o NAPA-Big O, 949 W. Broadway, Needles CA 92363.

Membership contributions will be accepted until April 30, and can also be dropped at NAPA-Big O.

For additional information call Eileen Hartwick at 760-326-3885, or Bruce Pocock at 760-858-2665.

Scouts sponsor CPR, AED training

NEEDLES — Venturing Crew 48 offers potentially lifesaving training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated electronic defibrillator use on Saturday, March 30.

Open to the public, training continues from 2 to 5 p.m. at Needles' BPO Elks Lodge 1608, 1000 Lilyhill Dr. Cost is $20 each person. Instructors come from Phoenix.

Venturing is a Boy Scouts of America program for teens of both genders.

Commodities distributed

NEEDLES — U.S. Department of Agriculture commodities will be distributed from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 16, at St. Vincent de Paul, 839 Front St., Needles.

Free to low income county residents, commodity distribution is coordinated by Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County. Visit; call 909-723-1500.

Fiesta at CRMC

NEEDLES — The Colorado River Medical Center Employee Event Committee holds a fiesta fundraiser on Thursday, March 14.

The event begins at 5 p.m. at the hospital, 1401 Bailey Ave.

Eat in or take out a la carte tacos, chile verde, or dinners of either; churros are available for dessert.

Pre-orders can be made, call 760-326-7234 between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Women's Club offers salad bar

NEEDLES — The Women's Club of Needles will offer a salad bar for public consumption on Saturday, March 23.

Coffee, tea and crackers are included in the price of a plate of salad from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the historic clubhouse at 305 W. Broadway. Various dessert options will be available for separate purchase. Contact Yvonne at 951-465-1455.

Visit library

NEEDLES — Special programming is offered at the Needles branch of the San Bernardino County Library in the city-county complex, 1111 Bailey Ave. at J Street.

March 13 - Story time, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Irish stories and make a pot of gold to take home.

March 19 - Craft corner, 3 - 4 p.m. Make a dragonfly on a stick.

March 20 - Story time, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Women's History Month. Hear stories about famous women fliers and make a pair of aviator goggles.

March 26 - Craft corner, 3 - 4 p.m. Make a poetry caterpillar.

Visit the library Monday through Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific Time; Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The library is closed Friday and Sunday. Call 760-326-9255.

NHS Drama to perform Beauty and the Beast

NEEDLES — The Needles High School Drama Club presents the classic story of Beauty and the Beast on Thursday and Friday, March 21 and 22. The curtain rises at 7 p.m. in the NHS auditorium along Washington.

Visit BPO Elks Lodge 1608

NEEDLES — BPO Elks Lodge 1608, 1000 Lilyhill Dr., serves tacos on Mondays, dinners on Tuesdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Play darts at 3 p.m. on Sundays. All Elks and guests are welcome. All times Pacific. Call 760-326-1608. Coming up:

March 13 - Lodge meeting begins at 6 p.m.

March 16 - Class reunion dinner.

March 17 - Class reunion breakfast.

March 18 - Tacos are served from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

March 19 - Sirloin tips, swiss steak, rice, vegetable, roll and dessert by Fred and Sharon, 5 to 6:30 p.m.

March 20 - House committee and trustee meeting, 5:30 p.m.

March 21 - Volunteer dinner begins at 5:30 p.m.; golden horseshoe.

March 23 - Blair family reunion.

March 25 - Tacos are served from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

March 26 - Prime rib and fixin's by Randy and Crew, 5 to 6:30 p.m.

VFW plans activities

MOHAVE VALLEY — Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 404 offers a variety of special activities for members and guests. The post is at 10287 Barrackman Rd. in Mohave Valley. Call 928-788-3202. All times are Mountain Standard.

• Thursday, March 14, the Auxiliary offers a crock pot lunch from noon to 2 p.m.

• Friday, March 15, a fish, shrimp or combination dinner is served from 5 to 7 p.m. Karaoke starts at 6 p.m.

• Saturday, March 16, Queen of Hearts starts at 4 p.m. with the drawing at 6:30 p.m. A bean burrito dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. A jam session starts at 6 p.m.

• Sunday, March 17, a basic breakfast with pancakes is served from 9 to 11 a.m. A traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m.

• Monday, March 18, a calendar meeting starts at 4 p.m.

• Tuesday, March 19, fun Wii bowling begins at 4 p.m.

Join NHS community talent show

NEEDLES — The Needles High School Associated Student Body is to host a community talent show on Wednesday,

Enter rodeo princess competition by Friday

NEEDLES — Colorado River Round Up Rodeo Princess hopefuls have until Friday, March 15, to enter competition, according to a March 9 announcement.

Girls 11 to 16 can enter the competition to begin at 9 a.m. Sunday, March 24, at the Needles Rodeo Grounds along San Clemente at Clary Drive. Print an application packet from the website:; or contact Kim Willis, director of the competition, at 760-774-9328 or Contestants are to receive an itinerary, wardrobe guidelines, study guide and horsemanship pattern after the application and a non-refundable $75 application fee are received.

Cheerleaders seek donations

NEEDLES — Mustang Cheer performs a community cleanup beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, April 13, as a fundraiser for UCA Cheer Camp. Cheerleaders will be going door-to-door asking for donations to support their efforts. Last year's cleanup netted three tons of trash from the desert and around the city, all hauled away by Allied Waste.

The Needles High School cheerleading squad will attend the Universal Cheerleaders Association's Varsity Spirit Cheer Camp this summer. UCA provides educational training for college and high school cheerleaders; their mission is to inspire leadership on and off the field.

Enter rodeo and ancillary events

NEEDLES — Colorado River Medical Center presents the 43rd Colorado River Round Up coordinated by the Needles Rodeo Association on Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6. The event is held at the Needles Rodeo Grounds, 1001 San Clemente. Entrants within a 50-mile radius can compete in any of the rodeo events: bareback, ranch, saddle bronc and bull riding, barrel racing, steer wrestling, calf tying, breakaway and team roping. Register now by calling Mike Shott at 760-218-4891. Deadline is Friday, March 29.

Form teams for Debbie's Dispensaries' horseshoe and cornhole tournaments, which begin with registration at 9 a.m. April 6. Entry is $20 each player which includes Saturday's rodeo performance. Two-player teams begin competition at 10 a.m. Cash prizes will be paid for first, second and possibly third place depending on the number of entries. Call Wade Evans at 760-220-1039.

Needles Marina Resort's Li'l Wrangler Rodeo begins with registration at The Rodeo Store, open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 1 through 4 at 800 W. Broadway, Suite A. Only 20 mutton busters will ride this year. Each must be at least nine years of age and weigh less than 55 pounds. Calf riders are limited to 30, at least 11 years old, and weighing 85 pounds and under. Entry is $10. Helmets and vests are provided. Call Judy Thornton at 760-333-5255. Any remaining spots can be entered between 9 and 10:30 a.m. at the rodeo grounds. Riding begins at 11 a.m.

Colorado River Round Up Junior Barrel Racing begins at 2 p.m. April 6. Two age groups: 11 years and younger and 12 through 17 years, with up to 20 riders in each group, compete; the winner in each wins a buckle. Depending on the number of entrants cash prizes may be paid to first, second and third place riders. The association determines prizes if the events don't fill up. Entry is $30 with a 30 percent administration fee. Call Shott to sign up.

Easter giving

NEEDLES — Local children stand to gain Easter baskets in Operation Bunny Drop, held in conjunction with the Needles Assembly of God.

The mission: to provide Easter baskets for as many children ages 14 and under as possible. What's needed: donations of materials and/or money by March 21. Checks can be made out to Needles Assembly of God, P.O. Box 457, Needles, CA 92363 with a notation that it's for Operation Bunny Drop. Contribution tax receipts will be provided. Materials can be placed in drop-off boxes around the Tri-state, or contact coordinator Mamie Carver at 760-282-5325.

Recipient registration will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 16, on the basketball courts adjacent the church at Broadway and C Street.

The event will be held Easter Sunday, April 21, at an as-yet-to-be determined location and will include an Easter egg hunt, performance by the Firehouse Ministry band and more. Food and beverage vendors are being sought; call Carver for details.

Eagles Aerie offers activities

NEEDLES — Eagles Aerie 2599 offers several special events each month for members and guests. Visit the aerie, 729 Front St. at E Street; call 760-326-2599; email The aerie opens at noon each day; earlier on Sundays when breakfast is served. Aerie 2599 is now observing Wear RED (Remember Everyone Deployed) Fridays in honor of America's active duty military.

March 15 - Steak dinner, 5:30 - 7 p.m.

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day corned beef dinner, 5 p.m.

March 19 - Happy hour all day. Trustee meeting 5 p.m., aerie meeting 6 p.m.

March 20 - Happy hour all day. Auxiliary meeting 6:30 p.m.

March 21 - Joint officers meeting, 5 p.m.

Apply for women's club scholarship

NEEDLES — Apply by April 5 for a $500 scholarship from the Women's Club of Needles.

Application forms for the annual award are available in the Needles High School office.

Needles T.V. Club Membership Drive

NEEDLES — Community members are asked to help to insure that free over-the-air television continues to be available in the Needles and Mohave Valley areas by making tax deductible contributions of $10 per family to Needles Community TV Club, c/o Bruce Pocock, 214 Fairway Dr., Needles, CA 92363; or Eileen Hartwick, c/o NAPA-Big O, 949 W. Broadway, Needles CA 92363.

Membership contributions will be accepted until April 30, and can also be dropped at NAPA-Big O.

For additional information call Eileen Hartwick at 760-326-3885, or Bruce Pocock at 760-858-2665.

Scouts sponsor CPR, AED training

NEEDLES — Venturing Crew 48 offers potentially lifesaving training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated electronic defibrillator use on Saturday, March 30.

Open to the public, training continues from 2 to 5 p.m. at Needles' BPO Elks Lodge 1608, 1000 Lilyhill Dr. Cost is $20 each person. Instructors come from Phoenix.

Venturing is a Boy Scouts of America program for teens of both genders.

Commodities distributed

NEEDLES — U.S. Department of Agriculture commodities will be distributed from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 16, at St. Vincent de Paul, 839 Front St., Needles.

Free to low income county residents, commodity distribution is coordinated by Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County. Visit; call 909-723-1500.

Fiesta at CRMC

NEEDLES — The Colorado River Medical Center Employee Event Committee holds a fiesta fundraiser on Thursday, March 14.

The event begins at 5 p.m. at the hospital, 1401 Bailey Ave.

Eat in or take out a la carte tacos, chile verde, or dinners of either; churros are available for dessert.

Pre-orders can be made, call 760-326-7234 between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Women's Club offers salad bar

NEEDLES — The Women's Club of Needles will offer a salad bar for public consumption on Saturday, March 23.

Coffee, tea and crackers are included in the price of a plate of salad from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the historic clubhouse at 305 W. Broadway. Various dessert options will be available for separate purchase. Contact Yvonne at 951-465-1455.

Visit library

NEEDLES — Special programming is offered at the Needles branch of the San Bernardino County Library in the city-county complex, 1111 Bailey Ave. at J Street.

March 13 - Story time, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Irish stories and make a pot of gold to take home.

March 19 - Craft corner, 3 - 4 p.m. Make a dragonfly on a stick.

March 20 - Story time, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Women's History Month. Hear stories about famous women fliers and make a pair of aviator goggles.

March 26 - Craft corner, 3 - 4 p.m. Make a poetry caterpillar.

Visit the library Monday through Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific Time; Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The library is closed Friday and Sunday. Call 760-326-9255.

NHS Drama to perform Beauty and the Beast

NEEDLES — The Needles High School Drama Club presents the classic story of Beauty and the Beast on Thursday and Friday, March 21 and 22. The curtain rises at 7 p.m. in the NHS auditorium along Washington.

Visit BPO Elks Lodge 1608

NEEDLES — BPO Elks Lodge 1608, 1000 Lilyhill Dr., serves tacos on Mondays, dinners on Tuesdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Play darts at 3 p.m. on Sundays. All Elks and guests are welcome. All times Pacific. Call 760-326-1608. Coming up:

March 13 - Lodge meeting begins at 6 p.m.

March 16 - Class reunion dinner.

March 17 - Class reunion breakfast.

March 18 - Tacos are served from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

March 19 - Sirloin tips, swiss steak, rice, vegetable, roll and dessert by Fred and Sharon, 5 to 6:30 p.m.

March 20 - House committee and trustee meeting, 5:30 p.m.

March 21 - Volunteer dinner begins at 5:30 p.m.; golden horseshoe.

March 23 - Blair family reunion.

March 25 - Tacos are served from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

March 26 - Prime rib and fixin's by Randy and Crew, 5 to 6:30 p.m.

VFW plans activities

MOHAVE VALLEY — Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 404 offers a variety of special activities for members and guests. The post is at 10287 Barrackman Rd. in Mohave Valley. Call 928-788-3202. All times are Mountain Standard.

• Thursday, March 14, the Auxiliary offers a crock pot lunch from noon to 2 p.m.

• Friday, March 15, a fish, shrimp or combination dinner is served from 5 to 7 p.m. Karaoke starts at 6 p.m.

• Saturday, March 16, Queen of Hearts starts at 4 p.m. with the drawing at 6:30 p.m. A bean burrito dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. A jam session starts at 6 p.m.

• Sunday, March 17, a basic breakfast with pancakes is served from 9 to 11 a.m. A traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m.

• Monday, March 18, a calendar meeting starts at 4 p.m.

• Tuesday, March 19, fun Wii bowling begins at 4 p.m.

Join NHS community talent show

NEEDLES — The Needles High School Associated Student Body is to host a community talent show on Wednesday, April 17, at 6 p.m. in the NHS auditorium.

Auditions will be held at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, April 3 and 4, in the auditorium.

A signup sheet can be picked up and must be returned to the NHS office by March 20.

Dress rehearsal for those who will participate will be held on April 16 at 5 p.m. The cost of admission for the April 17 talent show is $3.

Auditions are open to all ages.

Enjoy family fun day on refuge

LAKE HAVASU CITY — Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge hosts a free Friends and Family Fun Day Wednesday, March 13, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Call the refuge at 928-667-4144 or visit

To get to the refuge headquarters and visitors center rom Lake Havasu City follow Arizona Hwy. 95 south approximately 17 miles. The refuge office will be on the right-hand side of the road between mileposts 160 and 162; just past the causeway over the Bill Williams River where it joins Lake Havasu.

Fire at mobile home parkDrive-in fireNeedles in brief | Needles Desert Star - Mohave Valley NewsAdoptNeedles High School senior athletes honored


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